Monday, December 17, 2007

Big gaps in posts

Been a busy month! Between getting ready for the holiday and trying to do all of this math my brain is pretty fried.

Calc is actually going well, I"m getting it, I hope I'm doing alright (should get my midterm back soon) and I think I've got a handle on it.

Linear Algebra not so much. I have no idea how I"m doing in the class, no one does. When I emailed to ask I got 'you're doing fine' which tells me absolutely nothing. I have no idea if my homework is even close or what my grades are in anything. That is unbelievably frustrating.

Just one more week to go, for better or for worse. Then I get two weeks off, I'm looking forward to those.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I was wrong, the Linear Algebra midterm is tomorrow. Did Calc today, feel ok about it, nothing I can do now so it's just not important.

I'm going over everything I can for this Linear Algebra midterm. I'm sure my grade in there will be based heavily on this test and I need to do well. I also need to understand this stuff as it may be what I do with my life.

Friday I'm going to do all the stuff I've been neglecting, including calling the state about medical insurance and weeding my poor garden. Maybe I'll even buy some onion plants....

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I've been bad with updating, sorry

I'm doing alright just a lot of work. I did eight hours of calc on Saturday, burned out my poor little brain!

I have a calc midterm that i"m going to take tomorrow and I have a midterm in linear algebra tonight. I haven't even started my homework in there yet, that is today. I also have to write up last week's homework, I really don't get most of this stuff. The lectures are mind numbing and it's hard to keep paying attention and get valuable information out of it. My only saving grace is that it's only two more weeks and then it's done for better or for worse.

My gardening is suffering, I need to weed desperately, but with all the rain we've gotten the plants are doing well at least! I get a whole week plus between the time I get back from Christmas before I go back to school and I'm going to week, replant etc stuff then. My Lilacs should be in around then, maybe a bit later.

Ok now to Linear Algebra so I can at least pull a B. I've decided I'm alright with B's for these math classes, though getting higher is always an accomplishment.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Oh Health Insurance... again

Part of going back to school in my 30's includes health insurance issues. My school does not provide anything and all of the 'Student Health Insurance' things I found on the web are for people 29 and below. Because I have 'pre-existing conditions' even though I've never been hospitalized and am general good health (no blood pressure issues, not overweight, bloodwork is great etc) I can't get private health insurance.

This leads me to the Major Risk Medical Insurance Program which I finally signed up for today. The only one of their plans I can even remotely afford is Kaiser, a network here in Cali that is like an HMO, totally inclusive. I"m not happy about having to switch doctors but I just can't afford anything else.

So I hopefully switch over Jan 1, I'm paying about 100 less than the plan I"m on now (just raised again out of my price range) and my prescriptions are much cheaper. Hopefully I can find a good primary care for my once yearly checkup and in case I get sick or something.

This is a huge hassle that has taken up a lot of my time. Health care shouldn't be this difficult.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Two Classes

Taking two classes at once is doable, it's not going to be very easy but I can manage it I think.

My Calc 2 class is recorded so I can listen to them at any time. This is a HUGE help for me right now.

Linear Algebra is going to be tough. The professor is very knowledgeable but he doesn't understand how the technology works and it is frustrating for us and for him. Hopefully the class can figure things out.

Work is getting better too, I have a direction, I have to design a web page!! Not a lot of experience with this but I'll give it a shot =)

Ok back to work!

Monday, November 26, 2007

I am insane

This is something I think I will be repeating to myself often over the next few months.

CSC 208 (Calc 1) is done, got a B unless he curves the final, which he should do as the whole class failed it miserably. Now I'm doing CSC 209 AND CSC 310. Kill me now!!

However the prof for 209 is the same Prof I had in August so he knows me. I explained the fact that I can't be at chat sessions on Tuesday and Thursday as it conflicts with the other NU class and he is being very accommodating. It's going to be hard, it's going to suck and I have no idea what Linear Algebra (310) is even about. I start that tomorrow at 5:30pm.

I'm going to start on my Calc homework tonight so maybe I can get a little bit abreast of things, but this is going to be hectic. A Good hectic but still, insanity is mine!

Oh and I still have to work 20 hours this month, which doesn't sound hard but can be a little bit sometimes.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Long time between updates

Sorry about that, I've been doing math problems until my eyes cross.

Finally finished all of my homework, prof said I can drop it off on Monday even though the class technically ends on Sunday. Nothing till the review on Friday and then the final on Sat. We'll see how I do, didn't do so hot on the midterm even with the extra credit.

At the grandparent's place for Thanksgiving. It is going to be calm and quiet which I welcome. My biggest job is to open pickle jars, and I"m ok with that.

Monday begins my first 'month from hell' with more calc and Linear Algebra. I had my calc teacher for CSC 300 and I"m guessing he's not going to be as forgiving as this month's teacher is. Fortunately I don't have to keep the 3.5+ as I've already been approved for my double class in January. If I get a B I just move on =)

Everyone have a good Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Flu shots, Health Insurance and a Sick Cat

Got my flu shot today, my family will be happy to know. :) I also got refills on prescriptions and a referral to a dermatologist as I"m giving up my health insurance come Jan 1. I can't afford 400 a month, it's just not going to happen. Hopefully I might be able to get on the state plan but I don't know.

Banshee isn't looking well, we're going to the vet in about 45 mins. She's lethargic and not eating, but went right for the water which means I may be back to daily shots if she's gone back to being diabetic. I had just attributed it to old age till she went for the water. Just what I need!

I'll post my rant against health care later, I'm too tired now honestly.

My midterm is now tomorrow instead of yesterday, the final is a week after that. At least this professor gives us 'examples' of the problems ahead of time, different numbers but if you have an example you can just plug in the new numbers and you have an answer!

So Banshee goes in at 4 and class is at 6. Somewhere in there I should probably eat =)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Not a lot going on

With school at least. Math is easier than I thought it would be, as I've mentioned before. Work is going well, I got paid! I'm meeting with my manager on Thursday to put together a plan etc, which is very cool and something I'm looking forward to. Being limited to five hours a week is kind of hard, so it's nice to have more stuff to be working on, even if it technically puts me over. I'll just bill them for the five a week.

It's beautiful out today, real San Diego weather. There will be a ride on the bike in my near future, too nice a day to not go outside a bit.

I am officially down 10lbs on a 'non fad' diet. I'm really excited as while this is slow it's steady and is something I know I can maintain. I even get to eat 'poorly' once or twice and still lose the 1.5 lbs I want to a week.

Going to the doc on Thursday to find cheaper meds and get the last referrals I need, I want to get everything done before the new year as, unless something changes, I won't have health insurance. They've finally managed to price me out completely. I've applied for a much cheaper plan but they're taking their time turning me down. We'll see what happens.

There is another rant, the state of health care in this country if you're not employed. Hell even if you are from what I understand but I can't personally attest to that. It needs an overhaul and it sucks.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Math Nerd ftw

So tonight my professor is going through examples from the book in my Calculus class and TWICE I caught an error. It's not that he didn't know what he was doing, the guy is brilliant, but it's easy to drop a variable or switch a sign.

I'm not gloating him making minor mistakes, but I AM gloating about the fact that I caught them. Huge confidence builder for me, it shows me I do understand what I"m doing in this class and I haven't 'lost' the math thing that I had when I was younger.

And I can drop my homework off at his office which simplifies the whole scanning issue, which was causing much stress.

So overall I'm feeling good about my November class, lets hope December goes as smoothly.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Telephones and Technology

I finally broke down and installed Vonage. Those who would use the number, I emailed it to you btw =)

I decided to do this as I seem to make a lot of calls at home that put me on hold. That just eats up cell mins so this way I can do it on a flat rate. ALSO now I can send faxes, which is so worth it.

So I do all of this and realize I don't actually have a telephone. So, for the first time since before I moved to California I went out and bought a phone. I ended up with a wireless one with an extra handset so I can wander and so I can have a phone in my room. The base set has to be plugged in at the router (cable phone) so this seems to be the ideal.

I'm kind of suprised how cheap this was, 40 total for the two headsets.

That done, now I just have to get my scanner working, I have to scan in my 'work' on my homework and this is really easier said than done.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Ok not as bad as it looked

It turns out my professor isn't even really paying attention to the syllabus. We spent two hours the other night deciding when the midterm and final were, he assigns homework at each class session and it's not what is necessarily on the syllabus. He's also willing to go over each problem before it's due.

Test are multiple choice which is helpful. That will also let me work backwards with the calculator. This is VERY helpful.

I missed the 'make up' on Sat but he knew and was ok with it. Now I just need to listen to it and do the homework for Tuesday. Maybe, just maybe, Math !> Me

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Math > Me

I used to be good at this stuff too. I'm trying to work thorugh the homework and I have greatly overestimated my retention of math. This month is going to be a HUGE catchup for me and next month is going to be insane.

I did get a new toy though. TI-89 calculator though mine doesn't look quite like the one in that picture. Hopefully this will give me enough assistance that I'll be able to do alright in the class.

First class itself is tonight and I've emailed the professor asking when the homework is due and when these class sessions will happen. I'm all for free form classes, that is why I'm doing this online, but I also need to be able to plan things around my classes, which means knowing when they are. This course doesn't end until Nov 24th which is the weekend right AFTER Thanksgiving so I need to be making plans so I can have a day to travel.

Now I get to try to make friends with my calculator. This isn't as easy as it sounds.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Class Changed, Candy Wins!

My professor stated tonight that because many people had emailed her saying they won't be in the chat tomorrow night due to taking their kids out trick or treating we're having the class on Thursday.

This makes me happy. Not only that I won't be missing my first class but that the professor listened when people had an issue and resolved it.

Now I just have to do my math homework.

Big day tomorrow, lots of family stuff during the day and then lots of hyped up kids at night! I love my dogs but I really enjoy these trips where they're not there, I get to sleep all night without being woken up. I think this trip I'm going to need that sleep!

Since I know family reads this, someone remind me next week to get my flu shot. The twins get theirs tomorrow and my clinic is doing them the month of November.


Nice thing about this phone... Don't have to have the comp on to get

Grades are in got a A in Java! Puts my gpa up to 3.65 which makes me
happy. We'll see how math goes this month.



Just seeing how hard it is to blog from my swanky new phone! Flying
to Phoenix in a few hours so of course I can't sleep.

As for school I don't think my prof this month speaks English as his
first language. The reason I mention this is it makes for some
interesting email conversations. He completely misunderstood my
question. He also doesn't understand why having the first meeting at
6pm on Halloween isn't a great idea for a school that is in part aimed
at older people who most likely have kids... Or nephews.

We'll see how it goes


Sunday, October 28, 2007

Another one done

Java is all in and accounted for, well almost all accounted for but it's all in! The fire pushed things back a bit but we managed to get it all done. Unless I blew the final out of the water (in a bad way) I should have my A no problem.

Next class is calc and my biggest question right now is how do I turn in stuff online? I haven't taken a math class in a long time, but last time I did I tended to use a LOT of paper to do my problems.

I'm sure I'll figure it out but I'm not going to worry about it till tomorrow.

Red Sox are playing game four right now!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Sun and the Fire

Still ok here, fires are to the east, and they're scary but I seem to be in a strangely protected place.

I got two phone calls this morning from Sun. I've been an employee for less than three days but they have a program where if there is a national disaster they want everyone to call in. I didn't, not knowing about it, so they tracked me down to make sure I was ok! Kind of cool really.

School seem to be in session tomorrow so I have today to finish up my homework. I supposedly have a final this weekend, I hope it works out alright.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fires in San Diego

I'm safe, I'm not even in an evacuation area, though it's one of the few in the county.

A friend of mine has a much better update here. I did have trouble finding gas but I'm all filled up and even found a mask when I went out earlier.

If you go to the Google Map, which isn't quite up to date, I'm just north of Miramar base in the big white area that isn't in danger.

It looks like the third circle of hell here, though the sky was actually worse in 03. We're a federal disaster area finally and the Governor is around somewhere. He was bitching out the federal government yesterday and got on TV telling everyone that yes, Malibu was bad, we're all sad the castle burned, but San Diego is in real trouble. We're just not as sexy as a castle burning to the ground.

They got the planes etc in the air today, that will help significantly. Hopefully the winds will cooperate and let us fight these fires.

San Diego has really come together helping people who need it. Every time they make a plea on the local news for help they come back a bit later saying that the response was overwhelming and they're good. It's nice to see the community taking care of each other.

Lots of animal care also, they really took to heart the issues in the past with people not leaving due to not being able to take their pets. Lots of places are set up for animals, everything from gerbils and snakes to horses.

FEMA is on their way and the whole National Guard (well those in the states atm) are coming also. Maybe something was learned from the clusterfuck that was Katrina.


good updates

Thursday, October 18, 2007


I got a 92 on the written part, a few dumb ass mistakes but it's still a good score.

I had to send him the programming part three times and he never got it. I ended up putting it on my webspace. If anyone cares it's here. I should be ok there, it works and does what he wanted it to.

Leaving obnoxiously early tomorrow and I'm going to do homework while on the train, to a point. There is only so much I can do without internet access, programming is hard without the internet to help.

I'm also going to bring my calc book and start into that to review before the class actually starts.

I'm almost packed, I need to grab some books. No word about Mooky yet but we're having a baby shower on Saturday even if he's not there yet! Stubborn child.

As annoying as the midterm program was it felt really good to get it done. I'm still enjoying this, maybe I made a good choice =) Though ask me that again after all of this math I'm about to take!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Sorry for the gap in posting

Haven't done too much with school this past week, but that is changing today!

I have my midterm, the 'answer the questions' part is due by midnight and the program by 5pm ish on Thursday. Then I have to get my homework done by then also as I'm out of here really early on Friday morning.

I got the job!! I'm getting an offer letter in the mail for an internship at Sun Microsystems. I'm limited to 20 hours a month but it's better than I"m doing now, and it will give me really good contacts. The job lasts until May and I have the option of applying again next year. Not only is it some extra money but it will teach me the Sun tools and looks awesome on my resume!

For those not familiar with the computer industry Sun, amoung other things, writes compilers and tools for the language Java. This is the language that does a lot of the fancy stuff you see on your web pages, among other things. They also have an open source operating system and other things. It's a large well known company and having experience with them is a big plus.

I'm supposed to start on Monday but I'm going to be out of town so I'll start on Tuesday. I just hope I'm here for the offer letter.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

iPhone Apps

The iPhone has multiple ways to calculate your tip but no IM client. I'm not getting this phone until they let people develop stuff. There is such a huge interest in making this gadget do what people want it to do, Apple's insistence on controlling everything is just beyond annoying.

I can play poker but I can't IM anyone. Verizon's phone comes out next month, if it allows me to do the stuff I want, and has the Google Apps I'm getting it. If it doesn't then I'll end up with an iPhone and you'll all hear me bitching constantly.

Won't that be fun??


My petition for doubling up on classes in Dec and Jan has been approved! I've sent a request for a modified bill to send 'up the chain' and already have my books on order for Dec. Lots, and I mean lots, of math but hopefully it will all work out!

Now I just need to add that Physics class and I'm on my way to graduate Spring of 09!

Java is being easy and kind of boring, it's a nice break honestly =)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Student Loans

Should NOT be this difficult. All I want to do is pay the interest every month, but for some reason that isn't possible, it's a guess on how much is due and they want to apply the whole payment to principle to the smaller loan instead of interest to the larger loan.

This is nuts.

So now they have to call me back 'in a few days' and they will TRY to switch the payment over. Totally stupid and incompetent, their only goal is to fleece as much money as they can out of poor college students.

Anyway class is easy and kind of boring, which in and of itself is kind of nice. Midterm this weekend and a bunch of assignments that will take an hour to do, and only that long if I spell something wrong.

I'm currently listening to the professor drone on about println. For those who don't program it's on the most basic commands possible. If someone isn't getting this they need to be in another major. *yawn*

Monday, October 8, 2007

Grades and Birthdays

Grades are officially posted for September, and, as expected, I got a B. But my final paper's grade still hasn't been posted. I even turned the thing in early. I'd like feedback on the paper, especially as it's a subject I may use again later.

This month seems that it will be an 'easy A', it's an intro programming class, the only real challenge is that it's a new language and a new compiler. I may be able to use my Microsoft Compiler which would make things easier, but we'll see.

I am officially taking today 'off' even though I did do a little homework.

35 is kind of freaking me out a little bit and I need to sit back and figure out what is really bothering me so I can deal with it and move on. I think it's partly looking at myself and seeing a life that I never imagined, that I never expected.

I'm not unhappy with my life, any more than anyone is happy or unhappy with their lives, I just had different plans. I don't regret any choice and I am here by my own choice and as a result of my own choices, but it's just so different from what I expected. I was supposed to have three kids by now, or working on a phD, or running a company while raising a family and all the rest of it. I guess I never dreamed I'd be 35 and alone.

That may be the real issue, I need to do some soul searching today. I can state, for the record, that I would MUCH MUCH rather be alone than in an unhappy marriage or having been through a nasty divorce.

I love where I live, I love my dear friends and family. I have two beautiful nephews that I miss terribly. I have the mortgage of a lifetime and I live in paradise. Materialistically I'm incredibly blessed, I"m not swimming in cash and there is debt, but I'm not struggling either.

I'll figure it out, this birthday is kind of a milestone of sorts, my health insurance goes up of all things. But I'm the same person I was yesterday, it's not like a switch flipped and now I'm old.

So yes, I'm 35 years old, nothing has changed and I am who I am in the life I have chosen. Go me!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Week One Done

The biggest issue with each language is learning the ins and outs of the compiler. I swear more than half my time is spent trying to get the compiler to just compile the damn program!

Week One is done, if I get bored I'll start on week two tomorrow but I'm not stressed about it.

Thanks Grandma for the birthday card!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Some of the grades are in...

Final paper still isn't graded but until then I have a B. Even if I rock the world on the final paper I don't see it bringing me up that much, so it's looking like it's a solid B.

Now I just have to get Aug brought up to the A- and it won't hurt my grade average too much.

Back to Java

Thursday, October 4, 2007

New class Type

It turns out this class doesn't have an online spot, it's all the class sessions. This is fine, being in front of a computer twice a week is never a hardship, but it's really different from what I had gotten used to.

I like having an online spot to see my grades, make sure everything has been turned in alright, maybe ask questions of the class. We'll see how this goes but the rest of the classes as of Dec may be this way. Kind of defeats the point of taking them online I think, I want the tools!!

Emailed the professor from August to see if he'll look at that last assignment and give me the points to bring the grade up. Hopefully he will.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Still can't log in

Helpdesk can't figure it out and the people who might be able to help are gone for the day. They're sending me a ticket number as my 'note' for missing class. Hopefully we'll get this worked out by Thursday's class.

Class Issues

So my first class is tonight at 5:30 but the class isn't on the web page. I'm enrolled, my professor sent me an email, but I can't access the class. I've emailed the tech people, they're 'working on it' but this professor counts class participation and it would suck if I missed class.

I emailed the professor so he has a heads up. The best part is my November class shows up on the list, which it shouldn't until this time next month. I can't access it of course but it's showing up.

Worst case I get a night off!

Saturday, September 29, 2007


With much help from a dear friend the paper is done and in! I feel really good about it, got some great feedback. If I could have made it 20 to 25 pages it would be much better, but for a 12 page paper I think it covered the basics.

If I had the room I would have brought in the comparison with gambling problems, but not in a 12 page paper. Hopefully somewhere down the line if I have to write a term paper for an upper division class I'll take the subject and run with it. A month really isn't a long time to write a paper, it's teaching me to budget my time even better however.

Java next week, I'm going to start reading etc now so it's not a crunch. Hopefully it should be a relatively easy class, it's an intro 200 level again.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Final Paper Candidate

Final Paper Candidate for the Video Game Addiction paper. I'm going to let it percolate for a bit and then come back to it, but if anyone wants to comment please do.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Assuming I pass the Background Check

I have the job at Sun!! I'm a W2 employee employed by Sun as an intern, which is awesome on my resume. I am limited to five hours a week, which is great as I want to concentrate on school, and the job pays well. It will be around 400 a month, depending on taxes etc, take home. It doesn't negate the need for student loans but it does allow me to stretch out the ones I have longer.

I'm taking Java in October so that is even better, I'll be getting training from Sun along with the class, should help me excel!!

Revisions and Real Life

I have a phone interview for that Sun possible part time job thing today! I need to go over the paper six million times, I've sent it to two cousins for input. I may send it to mr phd in training also but he's a bit busy =)

Grocery shopping and back into 'real life'. Laundry too, though everything is clean I just need to put everything away.

I'm going to have to get rid of more clothes. I'm going to have a sparse wardrobe but at least it will fit!

Down almost 6 lbs, 20 more to go but things are 'on track'. Once I"m done, and sure I won't go back up again, I'm going to need a whole new set of clothing, again. It's worth it though!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Home Strech.... again

I have to do one short assignment, read and respond to two people's rough drafts and then get my paper into shape. Mine is going to take more time than I originally thought, it's kind of all over the place.

I need more sources that support my position, though I think there is one I didn't utilize enough. The peer feedback was actually more helpful than I thought it would be. I did cancel all appointments this week so I can concentrate on making this an 'A' paper so hopefully I can pull a B or so in this class.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Still in AZ

Didn't actually make it home today like I had planned, I'll get some sleep and go early(ish) tomorrow. If nothing else I won't be driving into the sun, which is a good thing(tm).

Rough draft is in, going to spend a majority of next week polishing it and getting it all ready to turn in. I've got some more ideas, I need to put something in about personal responsibility but I need sources also. More research needed!

Looks like I need to clean all of my stuff out of my mom's RV (yes I live in a trailer when I come to visit... yes it's funny... stop laughing) as the AC broke and she's going to have to get someone to come out and look at it. Chances are good they'll have to tow it away so my clothes etc need to come inside. It's not a big deal, if it's gone I'll just kick my nephew out of his room when I come to visit =)

I"m just really not looking forward to the drive home, so not in the mood. I need to go home though, if nothing else I miss my cat =( and I have stuff to do there. I do like taking kids to school etc, it's nice to hang out with them. I'd have less than nothing to do if I came out here permanently as I know absolutely no one, but it is nice to see the kids.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Paper Topics

I was originally going to write my paper discussing weather or not game companies were responsible for video game addiction.

I think that is going to change after doing research. It seems that there isn't a consensus about the existence of video game addiction in a clinical sense. The AMA has asked the APA to study this issue but their new book doesn't come out until 2012, so no new diagnosis can be confirmed until then.

My personal stance is that video game addiction does not exist, people are not addicted to the video game, they are addicted to the alternate reality and escape. If their game of choice was taken away they would find either another escape either with another game or something else. These people do have issues, serious issues, but the video game isn't the problem, it's an excuse.

I've found journal articles that agree and disagree with me, so it looks like I have enough to write the paper. Should be rather simple now, I have lots of sources and information, and the final paper is only supposed to be 8 to 12 pages.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Hate hate hate hate hate objective grading. It's like they search and find something wrong, that wasn't listed as something required, just so they can take off points. I did everything in the assignment, answered all of the questions and I got a 4/5 because my topic is too broad.

Well that wasn't part of the assignment, the assignment was to basically answer a bunch of questions about the topic seeing where they lead to help identify problems such as that.

I responded to his grading pointing out that the thing he took points off for wasn't in the assignment description.

Yes it's one point, but these 'little' things add up and I really want to make it clear very early that this isn't ok. Taking points off just to take them off pisses me off to no end. We'll see what he has to say.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


You see me complaining about grades quite often on this board, they just don't come fast enough for me, I like feedback.

Well if a professor insists on different things being due at different times during the week I don't think it's asking too much for them to grade things at least once a week, if not more often.

This week I have things due on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Last week was pretty much the same yet I don't have any grades yet. I HATE not knowing where I stand in a class.

Still nothing from last month's class either. If you're not going to grade things give us multiple choice or something. I'm putting in a lot of time and effort, I expect the same from my professors.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I wish I had taken this class before the other writing one

Because it's much easier. It's really kind of written out for me, step by step. The only issue is that I have to do peer review type things, and while they can be useful all I want to do is correct their grammar while I'm reading their stuff! I just have a feeling their feedback isn't going to be very helpful, but they could surprise me. Maybe =)

Still no grade on last month's class, this frustrates me quite a bit honestly. I want to know how I did!

I'm out of town atm so I"ll be spotty in my posting. This month is kind of laid back either way.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Wow they're young

The class this month is Advanced English Composition. Sounds challenging until reading the syllabus I get

"ENG 240 students are assumed to have prerequisite college-level skills in spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing, and essay writing. This course will not address remedial writing issues at the sentence, paragraph, or essay level"

If they have to point that out that means it's been a problem in the past.

Amusingly enough it's a lower level version of the one I took last March, it's just how the schedules worked out. Needless to say I'm not that stressed. The busy work is annoying but at least it's quick and easy.

In place of a class discussion NU uses discussion boards. I have to post for each topic and then make at least two responses to other people. Fair enough, class participation etc. The point of this class is to write a persuasive essay, so one of the assignments was to take a stand and tell us why.

Wow they're young. I read these and all I want to do is bring up studies that flatly contradict what they're saying. Someone touched on abortion needed to be illegal because 'studies say people use it for birth control'. Another one was saying that 'there is no correlation between seat belt wearing and injuries in accidents', according to studies of course. The point of this was not to prove your point but to make sure you could articulate reasons that may support your point. All I wanted to do was smack them down, but it's not the time or the place.

I did respond to the abortion one talking about how it is a shame that such a controversial procedure is mixed up in the fundamental question, can the government tell me what I can and can't do medically. I would be ecstatic if someone in that class read that and maybe looked at the whole pro-choice vs pro-life thing a little differently.

For the record, I pray that I am never in a situation where I have to choose weather or not to have an abortion, but I will NOT sit back and let the government tell me what I can and can not do with my body.

Oh and I always wear my seatbelt =)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Topic Possibilities

It's best to pick a topic relating to my major and the areas I want to go into, and it has to argue a point.

I'm thinking, Are game companies ethically liable when people claim to be addicted to their games? That can be cleaned up a bit but basically when the anti-social miscreant that is living in someone's basement kills himself can the video game company be blamed? Or can a spouse blame the game company for the failure of their marriage? Can parents hold the company responsible when their kid fails out of school for playing video games? I'm not talking about violence, that has been talked about, but the claim of addiction to video games.

I need to work on it but I think that will be my thesis, they are absolutely not responsible because, amoung other things, they charge for the game, if you want to 'quit' either cancel your subscription or sell the game back. That doesn't work for all games but it is a huge factor.

I've still got all of the sources from the last paper, some of them will most likely apply this time.

I'm going to go narrow that down a bit.

too damn hot

99 yesterday around 95 or so today, the air conditioning bill alone is going to kill me. This is not conductive to productivity, at all, in any way.

The heat from the computer isn't helping either. Kill me now... really

Got my first assignment done for the new class, I think I can get most of this done this week. I just need a topic.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Changed my schdule all around

I completely redid my schedule. In a nutshell I have to find a way to take Freshman Physics, and it's lab, the second half of Calculus and Stats. If I can shoehorn those in somehow I graduate at the end of March 09. I have signed up for AI as an elective, which I wanted, and wireless technologies, though those may change.

The biggest change is that, beginning Dec 1, every Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30pm to 10pm I will be in class. Also two Saturdays a month, four next April, will be half day classes. However my last class that did this had the exams on those Saturdays instead of actual class, so that may be the case. That would be awesome as 8am on Saturday isn't my favorite time.

I was initially against set class times as that is what I was trying to avoid, but this last month we did it that way and it worked for me. I wasn't riveted to my computer the whole time but I found it helpful, or at least not detrimental. Being able to be anywhere with an internet connection allows me to have the flexibility I was looking for.

I'm pretty happy about this. I don't know how I'm going to find these classes, I may double up a bit or take some classes transfered over from the community college, or something. I could double up in Dec, Jan and Feb and just be missing stats. A lot of this depends on what NU will accept as transfer classes, and what I can take locally that won't interfere with that Tues/Thurs schedule.

It's nice to have a definite finish date. At that point I either get a job or go on for my masters, which would take 12 more months. I am guessing I'm going to want to get a job, money is good. Two years almost exactly from when I began this at NU so I am pretty happy with the schedule. It's going to be nuts, I get two weeks at Christmas, one week in March and one in July. I currently don't have a class December 08, but we all know that can change. It's not any less than I would get at a 'real job' and the beauty of the way this works is that when I have those weeks I really have the time off, I will be in between classes so I won't have anything to work on. There is something to be said for that.

New English Class

Got my syllabus for my new English class today. Looks like some busy work, I have to write a paper but there is a bunch of stuff before then. Pads the grade I guess. Unfortunately some of it is responding to others so I can't just do it all at once. I'll get as much of it as I can get done this week before I take off.

I have to write a "Write a persuasive, thoroughly researched argumentative essay" of 8 to 12 pages. I don't know what I"m going to do yet, it's tempting to just recycle the term paper I wrote last March, but I think that may be against the rules, and most certainly unethical.

So I have to argue a position. Normally, I've been told, it's good to pick a topic that relates to my chosen profession. I should really pick a chosen profession, it would make the decision on the paper easier ;)

I had a long talk with someone in the game industry the other night and it doesn't sound as bad as I remember it. I also learned some more in depth and complicated stuff about threads, which just reinforced that I have a long way to go, but it was interesting.

So a persuasive essay about something in the game industry. I'm going to have to think about it. It's going to be 97+ today so I may not get much done, but I can at least try to think =)

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Final today

Got a bit more studying to do and then it's time for the final. That gives me the whole weekend (well till Tuesday) before my next class. A few days off will be nice.

Got a birthday party tonight too so I don't want anything hanging over my head, that and taking a final with a hang over is bad news =)

Thursday, August 30, 2007

I found someone who could help me!

One of my complaints about National University was the difficulty of getting ahold of a human on the phone and then having them be able to solve my problem. It was really a hit and miss on getting anything accomplished.

I'm sure I"m not the only one as National instituted a 'Student Concierge Service' where it is one phone call and the person that answers the phone deals with any problem in any department. I have them use email after the first contact and the very nice girl emailed me daily with updates.

She not only answered the questions I had she got things accomplished that benefited me that I didn't even specifically ask for. I am very impressed, especially as before it would take a week of phone calls to get anything answered, now it took one phone call to 'get the ball rolling'.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Popular Culture ftw

One of my discussion questions for this week...

Discuss how to best “grok” Design patterns.

So damn cool

Monday, August 27, 2007

Applied for a job, kind of

I got an email from my department head the other day talking about a Sun Ambassadorship Job. With only a few details I decided to send in my resume and they guy from Sun called me back today. We're currently playing phone tag.

The Sun Academic Developer Program is all about sharing and participation. That's why Sun is recruiting for a student intern to ensure that Academic Developers at National University are able to take advantage of the latest innovative and Open technologies such as Java, Open Solaris, Open SPARC and NetBeans. We invite you to join the global community of Sun Campus Ambassadors.The Sun Campus Ambassador will build communities around Sun's free and open source platforms (OpenSolaris, Open SPARC and Java) and developer tools among Academic Developers (students, faculty and researchers) at National University.The Sun Campus Ambassador is expected to become proficient on Sun's open technologies, including OpenSolaris, Java, Netbeans, and Sun Studio. Sun will provide extensive training on each of these technologies. Sun is looking for graduate or senior level students with a strong background in software development/programming to work part time to:

* Lead the Sun open source developer community on your campus
* Run Sun Technology demo sessions on your campus
* Promote Sun training events on your campus
* Promote Sun's platforms and development tools to professors and researchers

It pays well, I make my own hours and they teach me to learn their stuff. I also get to make contacts at Sun which is beyond useful when it comes time to get a 'real' job. It looks like I just make presentations on their stuff to people at the University, which isn't a big deal, and they keep talking about training. It would be cool to get certifications from them for discounted or even FREE!!

Not sure I want to be a 'Java person' but I can't pass up an opportunity like this. If they pay as much as they claim and I can put in 10 to 20 hours a week I can forgo the expensive student loan and only get the government ones. That would save a TON of money in the long run.

I still need to actually interview and see if I want the job, but it seems tailored to students which makes things much more possible. We'll see.

Recycling is supposed to be a good thing!

It shouldn't be this difficult to find out why my homeowners association doesn't have recycling pick up and then to get that changed. I've been on the phone for half an hour being shuffled from one business to another trying to figure out who to even make the request of, no one seems to know.

Especially in California this shouldn't be a hard thing to get arranged! Aren't we the tree huggers?? I left a message with someone that will hopefully be useful. I just want a big blue container that I put all of my cardboard and plastics in and they pick it up once a week. Yard waste pick up would be nice too but with most of the yards in this complex being concrete I don't see it being economical.

Anyway one more week of Advanced C++ and then Sept is an 'easy' month with a 200 level GE writing class.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Other parts of life

I realized my original intent towards this blog was to talk about the thing that go along with going back to school, well, in my 30's, and I really haven't talked about anything but the actual classes. Well not often really.

There are other challenges to going back to school, though I don't have many of them. I don't have children or a husband to pay attention to, I'm not working so I don't have that stress of working and then trying to get homework done.

I do have the different perspective and determination that comes from being an older student. This isn't me 'finding myself' or going to school because I'm supposed to, this is me training for a specific career mostly because I want to be able to make more money. Completely economically driven, and I'm proud of that. =)

There are unique challenges however, I mentioned the work being done on my house, the fact I own a house is something a typical college student isn't concerned with. And while there are evenings out with friends, I'm not partying at a frat house every weekend, which limits the hung over class attendance, which I see as a good thing.

I do live with roommates though, and the dogs are sort of like really small self sufficent children, if you stretch the definition a bit. Oh and the dog is recovering well, he still had scary demon eyes but so far so good.

Then again there are more and more people in very similar situations, single, no kids, pets going 'back to school' or other things in their lives, while in their 30's.

And on that note I'm off to finish my homework for the week.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Easier a bit

This months seems easier than last month. I"m still doing really simple stuff but maybe I'm just getting it, or I'm really not getting it and I'll be surprised!

As far as everything else, house is still, almost done, but should be done next week. Mutt's eyes are going well, it's a slow recovery and they look demonish being all red but so far so good. No goopy infection stuff so that is encouraging.

The garden and back yard are going well. This is a huge difference from when I went to college the first time, in a dorm and small apartment you don't have to worry about snails eating the beans or if I should replace the carpets with laminate. Things were a lot more simple then, and I was told I'd look back and realize it someday, well here I am!

It's that whole 'being an adult' thing that most of us wish we didn't have to do. I'm just grateful I'm not trying to hold down a full time job, that would make things even more complicated. Or kids, there is no way I could do this with kids.

The dogs are stress enough.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Midterm Grade

Got an 86.5 on the midterm. I'm fine with most of it but I got a question worth 5 points wrong that I had the right answer to and second guessed myself. That is annoying =(

It's more of the same, learning new stuff, writing programs and doing homework. Next month is easy so it will be nice to have a break.

Back yard is done, house is soooooo close to being done! I also almost have my office back!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Midterm done

I can't promise I completely aced it but I feel good about it, wasn't nearly as in depth and complicated as last month's tests.

Now another home work assignment and next week should be much more difficult. It's got to really ramp up eventually!

Half way through the class, have a few things to wrap up but hopefully the midterm grades will be in soon (tm) so I know where I stand. That is the other fatal flaw with these one month classes, it's hard to know where I am grade wise when it's not a simple grading system.

Monday, August 13, 2007

I got an A!!!

Grades for last month are finally in! 95%, got an 82/90 on the final! Rock on I feel better about all of this =)

This month is another 'must be an A' to fulfill my goals but last month was vital, one hurdle down.

Makes a not very good day so much better!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Messing with the lay out again

I've been playing with Google stuff and making changes to the page, mostly to amuse myself. It is nice to see that my grandmother is the most frequent visitor (HI!!) it's nice to see at least someone is reading this!

Anyway added the search engine, I'll use it if nothing else =)

Saturday, August 11, 2007

First week

Almost done, so far so good. I am honestly much more interested in playing in my newly accessible garden, but school is getting done too!

Today was the fruit tree planting spree with a 'garden citrus' tree with three kinds of oranges, limes and lemons all grafted into the same plant! Strawberries go up later today and I got some token beans so it's not all fruit.

Impaitents for the hanging baskets and my long desired Jade plant. Next week, around everything else, I need to get the irrigation system functional, but so far its' working.

Mid term next week so I need to keep up with the studying etc. I've said this many times but I can't imagine doing this while working.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

CSC 300

The final in the three C++ classes, Advanced C++ or Object Oriented Programming.

Course Description
An introduction to the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm and advanced techniques of the C++ language. Provides an overview of object-oriented problem solving as well as OOP concepts such as abstract data types and classes, type hierarchies (subclasses), inheritance and polymorphism.

Usually in programming classes your grade is very reliant on the homework, but in this one it isn't so much. A full 30% of my grade is showing up for a lecture once a week and answering discussion questions on the class message board. Puts less of an emphasis on the homework which I'm not sure I agree with but lets me pad my grade a bit so hey.

Unfortunately my midterm and final are each worth 25% of the grade and that is worrying. I don't test well in these things, I do the homework well. Different approach this month and huge midterm and final stress, but part of this school thing is adapting and learning to do this differently.

Saturday, August 4, 2007


Final is in, last assignment is in and for better or for worse I am finished!

New class starts on Monday, which is going to be a day where I"m not going to be doing much studying, but between now and then I'm a 'free woman'.

Go me


Working on the final now, I feel like I have a relatively good grasp on what I'm doing, which bodes well.

After this I have to finish up one more assignment, and then it's off to baby cousin's 21st birthday!!

Advanced C++ begins on Monday, I may not actually begin it till Tuesday but that is the beauty of online classes!!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

It finally got harder

Lots of studying to do between now and Saturday, but my prof gave me examples etc and I have a full 24 hours to do the final. Putting off going to Davis till Sunday but hopefully I can get my A.

I do get this, it's just applying what I understand is more difficult than advertised. It's part of the learning process and just something I have to do :)

Car is almost done, should have it back before I leave, house is coming along, mostly waiting on the stainer for the cabinets.

August is going to be much more difficult as it's stuff I haven't really seen before. This is why I'm not doing anything but school!

now to study data structures and sorting and searching

Friday, July 27, 2007

My professor rocks!

I turned in my 'week 2' assignments but needed help with one of them. He worked with me until midnight to get it all figured out and it was all good.

Then I went to turn it in and I turned in an earlier version. I got an email asking for the corrected version so he can give me full credit.

With the full credit I"m at a 94%. I love these classes because I'm being 'tested' on my program working and using the concepts in the book. This is pretty simple (not easy) as it is easy to prove that. The program has to work and do what is asked, that is kind of black and white.

He is also allowing things to be turned in late, he's great with taking time to work with the students, and if I keep this up I'll get an A! Have to do really well on the final though, for some reason I don't do question and answer type things well in this subject.

Oh and the other day when he was helping me that with what I had turned in so far he would hire me. That gives me hope that I will be able to improve and polish and learn the concepts to really do this ;)

And my counters are going in right this very min! Sink is hooked up again on tomorrow and hopefully the rest of the floor done. I almost have a house again!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Caught up on Grades

I'm at an 89.57 so I"m betting this prof will round and it's an A. So far so good, but I need to make sure everything is absolutely correct to keep it.

Assignment 2 is in and I"m working on 3 which is all streams and encryption. Not a fan personally but here goes nothing. Then one more assignment and the final, so not a lot of time to make up points if I screw something up.

My prof is great though, he spent a ton of time helping me figure out an assignment last night, and didn't take any points off for things being a little late.

Puppy got his stitches out so hopefully things around here get to be a little more normal. Counters are currently out and the cabinets come in maybe today if not then tomorrow. Counters are back hopefully on Friday. Someday I'll have my house back!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Midterm Grade

Got a 78 out of 90 so an 86%

Hopefully my assignment grades will help raise that, it looks like he's not doing the A-/B+ thing so I only need a 90% to get an A. The midterm was 15% of my grade while each assignment is also 15%. The final is more but getting back the midterm and the assignments hopefully I'll be able to see what I did wrong and improve for the final.

I hate not having feedback, it kills me! =)

Tests and Assignments

Took my midterm, took less than three hours so I hope I did alright.

Still no grade on my first assignment. I totally get that the prof has a lot of code etc to go through but I hate the delay. The class is half over and I still don't know how I'm doing. I may have found the vital flaw in this one class for a month thing, I don't know how I'm doing so I don't know if I need to do anything differently.

Almost done with assignment two, two after that and a final.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Sorry for the silence

It's actually been busy around here!

Got a B in the Cultural Diversity Class, puts my gpa at 3.6.

C++ is going well, I am annoying many people for help but I think I'm understanding what I'm doing.

My floors are almost done, my kitchen will be finished by next week and my new slider will be in before my Aunt comes to visit. Yard is pretty much done, I'm just futzing with the irrigation and then it's off to buy soil and new plants!

I almost have a new house, it's the almost that is really killing me. New fridge got installed yesterday, it's very pretty, and I hated the old one so it's good news all around!

C++ is still review from the community college class I took in Jan so I'm doing pretty well. Next week will be more difficult, and of course I have family coming in that week.

Oh dog's surgery went well, he's kind of odd looking as things heal but he's doing really good. I'll know more tomorrow.

Car goes into the shop for the last time Monday or so, I might even have it back by the end of the week.

Basically by Aug 1 my house car and dog will be back together!

Oh school, this month is C++ as is Aug. I'm enjoying it so far but since I have a ton of help that makes things a bit easier.

Tuition is being raised, it shouldn't surprise me really, I wonder if they'll up my financial aid because of it....

Ok disjointed post but I'm half paying attention to the online lecture on recursiveness in programming. Kind of paying attention!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Yep it got harder

Trying to do this new class, I'm a bit behind as its' a new textbook so it's a different approach and they assume I know these stock functions I've never seen before. I'm starting to come up to speed, but I"ll be 'stealing' certain people for help this weekend to make sure I've got it all worked out.

The frustrating part is that I pretty much get the concepts, it's the implementation I'm having trouble with, and that really is half the battle honestly. I'll get this though, it's just frustrating as I know I know how to do this.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Grades are in

Got a B but I knew that, the final grades aren't officially posted but I think that brings me to a 3.75, which I'm still very happy with.

Now to 'real' school and my programming stuff.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Live Lectures

I am remembering why I don't like actual lectures, the professor just usually reads the lecture notes aloud and we listen along, not very interesting honestly.

I like this prof though, I got him to admit he's fine with us just doing the assignments to prove we know what we're doing, and he mentioned that just because you can do the assignments doesn't mean you actually know what you're doing. Very acute observation.

I don't know if I can sit through five hours of lecture twice a week, no matter how much it is supposed to help. There is a reason I am taking classes online. I can't argue with the fact that having someone to talk to live is incredibly helpful, but I"m bored and hungry =)

Off to a good start

Only four assignments, a midterm and a final. Since I really don't test well with programming stuff I need to get full credit on my assignments, but I think I can manage that with some time effort and help =)

My professor responds to my questions quickly and seems very helpful, I am optomistic.

Floor guy is here, Once he's settled I'm going back to bed (yawn) but I'll get started on the first chapter today!

A lot of this stuff is review but it's a review I need. I'm not 100% on these concepts and hopefully I will be more grounded on them after this class.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Class for July

Programming in C++

The link takes you to the old designation but it's the same class.

The good part is it looks like the first week or so is stuff I've already done in the Community college class so it will be a nice review and get me ready for August. In fact August look like it's just more in depth so I'm not as apprehensive as I was.

Anyway back home and trying to dig through mail etc, workmen coming tomorrow and Mutt has his surgery on Thursday. My car is finally back though!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

School Vacations

'Summer Break' is almost done, I'll be back in SD tomorrow. It was nice to not have to stress about schoolwork for a week.

C++ 2 out of 3 begins on Monday, I have the book I just haven't opened it yet. The schedule looks pretty intense but I also have covered a bit of this before so hopefully I can get a head start.

Now I"m just hoping my roommate was able to pick up my car =/

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Looks like it's a B

I just don't regurgitate the way this professor wants so it's looking like it's a B. Even if I got full credit on the report and the last discussion it would only be a B+ and I haven't managed that yet.

It's all good, it's a GE I'm not too worried about it.

Week off and then back to C++. Since I just took an introduction to C++ in January hopefully it's still fresh enough in my mind that I can do well and learn lots. Well that is the plan at least!

Finally actually starting my major which is very exciting. I am going to need to budget my time a bit better but I think my study habits are good and my laptop is working again so I'm not stuck at the desk.

Leaving tomorrow for a week in Sedona, taking the train and am greatly looking forward to reading and relaxing.

Car is in the shop, we'll see what kind of shape it's in when I get back.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Home Strech

Waiting on the grade for my second test, I have two more 'discussion' things to do and my report on Good Will, all due this week.

The goal is to have the report done today and get my part of the discussion questions done, then I just have to respond to others between now and Sat.

Car has MORE damage and goes in for another estimate tomorrow, this is getting so old.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Religion and State

I'm about to get into an argument with someone in my class about the separation of Church and State. This is something I feel very strongly about as I am tried of these people screaming that our country was based on their religion (umm no it wasn't thanks) and so of course the government should be run by their values and forget everyone else.

It makes me sad because I know true Christians that follow the teachings of the religion they believe in. They love their fellow man, they try to do the right thing with their lives according to what they feel their God would have them do. They turn the other cheek and love everyone no matter what their religious differences are. It's these wack jobs that give Christians a bad name, and honestly it makes me angry.

Someone right now is complaining that there was a Crescent on a Muslim place of worship, and she had to 'tolerate' that but the Christian cross in the CITY OF LA's seal had to be taken out.

I'm not seeing the correlation unless she wants to take every cross off of every Christian church, but to her it's the exact same thing. I don't follow the logic, and honestly with a lot of 'these people' I don't know that there is any.

Mormons do this with their 'non member' bullshit even though I heard the head of the Mormon church get up in front of everyone and told people to cut it out, we love everyone remember?

I can truthfully say that the 'Religious Right' is one of the reasons I became a Democrat.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Grades and computer issues

Laptop is in the shop so I'm trying to deal with Google Documents and trying very hard to not install anything I don't have to on the desktop.

Still a 'solid B' though I think I'm getting a hang of this. I'm happy for the course feedback stuff, lets me express my frustration about having to read this guy's mind to get an A.

Essay test today, outline and rough stuff for the report tonight and tomorrow, more discussion questions on Tuesday, Thursday and Sat and the report is due on Sat. Leave for AZ on Sunday. Laptop come back by Wednesday. Oh and people to measure the new slider on Mon and the locksmith on Tues. Not busy at all!!

Hopefully the car will be done by Wed and then I take it into the dent fixer and painter on Thursday, that should be done by the time I get back.

Then we go to C++, a real test to see if this is a good career choice. July and Aug are programming classes then Sept is my last English GE. Oct is Databases, my first 400 level class and then Nov and Dec are Calc, which I really really need refreshers on.

I'm getting more used to doing this, starting to plan my time out a BIT better, still need to work on that, but I think that is a life long struggle for most people so I"m not overly stressed about it.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Still no grades... take two

This is the other problem with the way this class is graded is that it takes forever to get grades, and that is annoying.

Still nothing...

Monday, June 18, 2007

Still waiting on grades

Took a test this weekend, still waiting on grades. I'm a bit nervous as the way this guy grades is totally subjective, annoying as hell.

I have a report to write too, need to find an organization that works towards erasing diversity issues. Goodwill I think, we'll see.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

That Nighmare

The one where there is a class you forgot to go to? Now you're getting an F and there is nothing you can do about it? Yah had that again last night. I was trying to explain why I was killing my gpa by absolutely failing two classes. I felt better waking up and realizing I only take one class at a time!

Took my first test this weekend. I really don't like classes where the grading is all based on the teacher's opinion, vague questions to answer where he has an idea in his mind on what is right and you have to try to figure that out. I also hate regurgitating what I read, but that seems to be what he wants. I just have to figure out what he wants and give it to him so I can do well in the class. We'll see how I do on this test, if I don't do well then I may not be getting an A this month, we'll see.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

This instructor is going to LOVE me....

Ok not really but still.

Every 'module' (three days or so) we have a few 'discussion' questions which we're supposed to answer and then respond to other's answers. I believe it is to simulate a classroom discussion and gauge participation.

I just got my grade for yesterday, 1.5/2 which when there are only 75 points available in the class isn't a good thing. His comments were basically taking me to task (in a very polite way, never had a professor so formal and polite) for not basically repeating everything everyone else had said.

Here was my response:


I read your critique of me and I really only have one comment. Everything you talked about had already been said numerous times in every way possible. Me repeating the same thing wasn't going to provoke any discussion or discourse. What I did was bring up something different, a different point of view on these topics to generate some conversation.

Regurgitating the Jim Crow laws doesn't help anyone understand them, talking about institutionalized racism and the connection between legislating racism and the changes that happened because of that legislation, I think, brings more to the class than listing the specific laws, especially as those laws had been listed, and not just once.

My question is, if all you want is the same answer from everyone why is it a discussion and not an assignment to turn in? It seemed to be a waste to simply repeat what everyone else had said.

We'll see what he says. Technically I didn't completely the assignment to specifications, but I'm taking the assignment to task as why pretend to have a discussion when he only wants things repeated back to him.

I may not be getting an A in this one =)

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Perpetuating Sterotypes

All of this cultural diversity stuff I've been reading and discussing this week got me thinking a little bit. There are a lot of sterotypes out there that are unjustified and wrong, but many of them have seeds of truth. The one I was thinking about was the one that applies to me, the dumb blond that is into girly things and only wants to get married and have babies.

To this day I have people telling me 'you need a man' or 'we need to find you a husband' both statements which piss me off to no end. I don't 'need a man' to make my life complete, I am me, a whole person thank you very much. Sure finding 'the one' and falling in love would be great, a loving relationship can enrich someone's life in a way that nothing else can. Children conceived in love and raised with a partner are a joy and a blessing (most of the time) but I am not less Ester because I don't currently have these things.

Those things are very rare, most people end up heartbroken and alone, or single parents trying to juggle what is best for their kids vs what is best for them, and the kids should win in that situation. Yes I'm really cynical but most people don't have the loving relationship, they have something they either settled for or are stuck in. I would say that most people are happy, or at least content, in those relationships, but it's not the sunshine and roses that people try to make it out to be to those of us who aren't married.

You know what, there are a lot of things I don't have, and a lot of things I do have. I have two fantastic nephews that love me unconditionally, twin nephews to make them even more remarkable. How many of you have that? Am I better than you because I have this wonderful thing that you don't? I'm not trying to get everyone's siblings to have twin boys so you can have what I have, that would be silly. I'm not going to insist that everyone have a younger brother, because I kind of enjoy mine, and I'm not going to insist that everyone live in San Diego, though you all should, because it is something that brings me much peace and happiness.

However there are parts of that stereotype I find myself reinforcing, and kind of laugh at myself for doing so. I drove a little red sportscar (oh my car!!!!!) and now have a cute little red scooter. Not just any scooter but one that has a following and message boards devoted to it. Today I spend 35 dollars on a dog bed that matches my bedspread. I bought it at Target, but it still matches my bedding.

There is only one person I let near my hair even if I have to wait a year in-between haircuts. My next car will be very trendy and if that one is gone when I go to buy a car I'm ordering a brand new one. All of these things lend into that stereotype, and I'm finding that I'm ok with that. As long as people realize that just because some of the stereotype applies, not all of it does. I still surprise people when I say something intelligent, and that is really annoying.

The whole thing just strikes me as amusing sometimes.

Next Cultural Diversity Discussion Question

And my response

Q 2. In Jean Baker Miller's article: Domination and Subordination she poses two questions: When does the engagement of difference stimulate the development and the enhancement of both parties to the engagement? And, conversely, when does such a confrontation with difference have negative effects? Pick two hypothetical instances of what she describes and discuss them. Make sure that you explain how one learns from encountering difference and when does such an encounter lead to difficulty?

Miller talks about two different situations in her article: Domination and Subordination. She talks about the Temporary Inequality and the Permanent Inequality, the first is more rare and kind of an ideal while the second is the more prevalent in our society.

Temporary Inequality is explained as a relationship like a Parent/Child, or an Instructor/Student, where one party is dominate but the goal of the relationship is to serve and give to the lesser party to raise them up to the level of the dominate one. This seems, at least on the surface, to be a healthy relationship where both parties can learn from one another and there is an end to the inequality. Ideally a parent is teaching their child enough that the child can then become a parent, thus leveling out the relationship. Unfortunately this is the exception instead of the rule.

Permanent Inequality, Miller discusses, is where a group is considered “… some people or groups of people are defined as unequal by means of what sociologists call ascription; that is, your birth defines you.” When reading over her essay, the problem of illegal immigrants came to mind. I live in Southern California and there is a very big illegal, and legal, Mexican population. These people are the subordinates, they learn out language, they take the jobs we don’t want and make it look like they enjoy the process.

This last week I had people come to the house and clean. A group of three, a man and two women came to my house and did a wonderful job. All three were of Mexican decent and only the man spoke English. They were all smiles and polite, as I said they did a fantastic job, but I can’t help but wonder what they were really thinking as they were cleaning my dirty dishes. I am not required to learn their language, but they have to learn mine, they are doing a job I didn’t want to do and were apparently happy to do it. All of these behaviors tie directly into Miller’s description of these Subordinate relationships.

The difficulty in my specific situation is as all of these service jobs are held by people either from Mexico or descended from those who are, now service seems to be ‘their’ job. It can lead to a false feeling of superiority for the one being served, and then just perpetuates this problem.

Cultural Diversity Discussion Questions

I'm going to post the discussion questions I had to answer today, and include my answers to them. Not having read the material I'm quoting from may make some things a bit unclear, but bear with me =)

Q 1. The Problem: Discrimination, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, a 1981 report, usefully outlines three levels of discrimination in the United States. Identify the three levels of discrimination and explain how discrimination functions structurally and systemically in American Society. Use examples from the C.P. Ellis interview with Studs Terkel, or other course readings to illustrate your points.

Three levels of Discrimination in the US

1. Individual Discrimination
2. Organizational Discrimination
3. Structural Discrimination

Individual Discrimination is manifested when an individual shows discriminatory behaviors towards a specific individual. Examples given in the essay include: Sexual harassment, Real Estate Agents showing people specific housing because of their race and people who move from a neighborhood due to someone ‘else’ moving in. All of these are one on one issues, and sometimes people don’t even realize they’re doing it.

Organizational Discrimination is when such discrimination is ‘often reinforced by the well-established rules, policies, and practices of organizations’. These can include Senority Rules where the most recently hired are the first to be laid off, when the jobs are traditionally held by one cultural subgroup, like white males, then they are the last to loose their jobs. Nepotism is another common form of Organizational Discrimination, and while there are many companies that make rules against this it is still very prevalent even in our highest reaches of Government, some would argue to our determent.

Structural Discrimination deals more with class issues, though racial sterotypes can be perpetuated through those very same class problems. When minorities live in the inner city they get fewer opportunities to succeed in life than someone living out in the mostly white suburbs, their education is less and their chances of not dying to violence is significantly less. Yet many of these people don’t have any other options, or haven’t been taught that they can do better, and they end up in the same situations as adults as they were raised in as children. Then ‘society’ will see them as failures and the cycle begins again, with only a few ever breaking out.

I believe Structural Discrimination is the most harmful for our society as a whole. Individuals can be taught and shown what they’re doing is wrong, either through education or lawsuits. Inner city kids, as my example above, are caught up in something that won’t be fixed by a lawsuit or one well meaning person, though those things can help. When people feel trapped in a situation that is not of their own doing, and feel helpless to change it, it won’t be changed, and that, I believe, is to the determent of everyone.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

New Class

June is History 350 - Cultural Diversity

I'll update the link soon

I'm glad I have another GE before I get into the hard core programming stuff, it will get me back into the 'swing' of things. May was pretty much a vacation.

Lots of reading, some writing I think, I'm going to have to work to get an A so I'm happy with it. I'll write more as I decipher the syllabus.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Time to simplify

I decided that the Java class is a waste of my time since I have to take it over at NU anyway. I paid for it myself so I"m not worried about wasting others money, and after this weekend I'm just not in the mood to deal with this instructor's crap. I've learned absolutely nothing and I'm not going to waste time and energy on it anymore.

In case that was too cryptic my car was stolen on Friday night, 36 hours later no word from the police so I"m betting it's in TJ in parts. I really have other things to worry about right now than some egotistical instructor who gives us a final project covering things the book doesn't even cover, I'm just not in the mood.

It's way too late to drop the class but since it wouldn't transfer anyway I really don't care anymore. I did fill out the 'end of class survey' expressing my thoughts and feelings about the instructor so I feel I accomplished something.

I am going to hold onto the book as a reference, so that is something.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Head back from the Proff

I emailed him asking if he was rounding up and he said:

"yes, because technically you are closer to 95 than 94. Plus, I am just nice!:) You did really well in class and earned an A. You should feel very proud of yourself."

Yeah me! Next month is 'Cultural Diversity' which is HIST 350. Another GE but the first 'upper division' class so hopefully it will be a bit more of a challenge. July is going to be a more advanced programming class so it's good that June will help me get into good study patterns etc.

Now I've got a week and a half to kill... any ideas?


If my professor rounds up I have an A, if she doesn't I have an A-. Either way it's a 1.5 credit class so I'm not stressed about it.

Cultural Diversity starts on June 4th. My Java project is due soon, but I'm having a real hard time motivating myself since the class turns out to not transfer for anything. I think I've learned everything from there I am going to.

Saturday, May 19, 2007


Haven't posted much because this month is just a lab and is rather simplistic. There are 190 available points, 140 for the labs and 50 (25 each) for the tests. I just got my labs back, full credit thank you very much! The tests won't be difficult as its' the same instructor and material as last month's biology class. I'll do those today or tomorrow.

Nice to have an easy month, next month is Critical Thinking, so while I"m not too concerned about the difficulty seeing it's still a GE course, it won't be the breeze that this one has been.

Nice ego boost though!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

and.... we're back

Back from my trip, I'll get the labs done for my bio lab by Wednesday at the latest. Then it's two tests to take and I'm done. June will be more difficult (I keep saying that) but May seems to be kind of a blow off.

My gpa is officially a 3.8 so far =)

Friday, May 4, 2007

And... it's an A

Got a 98% in Biology, go me.

The lab is already a good third done, like I've said before, GPA padding for the win!

Biology Labs

Started going over May's lab class, I have to examine a pine cone and a snail. Good think I'm hanging out at my grandparents place where I can find such things. I think I'm going to stay up here a little longer than I had originally planned and get a bunch of this stuff done. May looks like it's going to be kind of easy =)

My extra credit hasn't been graded yet but I'm not too stressed about it.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

And we're done

To get an A I needed 1.5 points of extra credit. I just did an essay worth 5 points, so even if I don't get full credit on it I'm good. May's class looks pretty simple, and is only worth 1.5 credits. The A then won't count as much but it's still something.

Yeah done!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Finishing up far far away

I'm at the best place in the world to study, my grandparents place, and I've only got one short paper to write. It's really peaceful up here, I think maybe if I get to a point in a class where I can't concentrate I may have to come back.

I would have brought a nephew or two with me but they get up sooooooo early in the morning, I just can't keep up. Maybe when they're a bit older and can fend for themselves for the first few (hours!) of the day, but right now they make me tired.

Worse than the dogs.

I'm going to head back down to Phoenix on Friday I think, hang out with the kids for the weekend before everyone comes into town. They're four tomorrow!

I have the book for next month, and some stuff my prof sent me early at my request, she's a great instructor. May is a 1.5 credit class so hopefully I can breeze through it, since I"m spending the first week plus with family.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

It's another A!

Aced the last bio test, guarenteed an A-, one 'two to three page essay on anything biological or ecological' and I've got my A.

Yeah me!

Any ideas on a topic??

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I can study!

Something I've always kind of been concerned about is that school would come too easily so I was worried I never really learned how to study. Today I proved to myself I can :)

This last bio test was about biodiversity and the classes of plants and animals, not my strong suit. I used the study guide, wrote down page numbers, found definitions and rocked the test! 24/25 and the one I got wrong was a duh, Sharks don't have an exoskeleton moron type of mistake.

One more test, one more post on the board and one extra credit. As long as I get at least a 19/25 on the last test I've got an A, and if I get below that I still have one more extra credit assignment worth 5 points to make it up.

Very cool.

Yes it's a 100 level class, I should be getting an A with little problems, but it's nice to have it happen too.

Since that section went so well I may start on the last one today, just to get things done and know how much extra credit I'm going to need.

For the one extra credit I know I"m going to do it's a 'pick any topic that relates to biology and write two to three pages on it'. Not sure yet what I'm going to write about, my strong point is basic genetics so maybe something about recessive genes or something. Maybe that moth that changed colors when the English started spouting nasty shit into the air, it evolved to black cuz the white ones got eaten. Natural Selection at it's best!

Or the Red Tide we get here in San Diego (it's red right?) or maybe twins, since I've got that whole nephew thing going. Something to think about.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


I wrote an essay today for a scholarship, there are a few more I'm going to do. They're short and not very inventive but I figure if I write enough of them maybe one will hit.

If nothing else I can use them to put off getting more debt.


Does anyone use this? I've got cousins and my brother attached to me but for school it wants a valid school email, and my school doesn't seem to do that.

I guess I'll ask them.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Java Assignment Done

I still think my Java teacher is giving us assignments that are way too easy, cuz really, I'm not THAT good. I'm starting to be glad that I have to take another Java course at NU, I'm not sure I'm really learning what I need to learn.

His attitude doesn't help much either.

Anyway assignment in, I don't even get the next one until May 1. That is the 'final project' that he keeps claiming is going to be difficult. If his assignments are any indication it won't be, but chances are it's impossible because he hasn't taught us anything before it.

You get what you pay for right?

Second Bio Test

23/25 and one was a mis-click on my part, the other was me not reading the whole question, so I'm pretty happy.

Not as far ahead as I'd like to be but holding my A with room for 10 more points of extra credit, it's all good.

Unfortunately this was the section I knew the most about going in, genetic and such, the rest won't be quite so easy.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Again with the Love of the Extra Credit

My professor has intelligently limited the extra credit opportunities but I'm appreciating the extra wiggle room. Not that I'm going to slack and count on it, but it means I don't have to be perfect.

I've done the easy stuff, all the rest is more intensive, again as it should be. I just need to make sure I'm prepared for the tests and then I won't even need it. Nice to know it's there though.

Eventually this school stuff is going to get hard, but so far not until possibly July definitely August. Yes Grandma you're right I"m no dummy =) but if I"m going to keep the high GPA I can't underestimate this stuff.

Monday, April 16, 2007


Went over my schedule this weekend, I have a plan that takes me through Aug 08 with only one month where it's not online. I still have two months with no classes, there really is nothing offered that I need, which is annoying. I have to double up possibly three months, again is annoying when I have whole months with nothing to do, but I'll live.

If this schedule works January will be the 'hell' month, which I can deal with. I'm going to take two semesters of Calc, it's been a LONG time since I last took that class, and have to take a C++ and possibly another Java programming class, beyond the ones I'm taking now. That means the Java class I'm taking now may not be worth anything, but if nothing else it will give me an exposure to the language for when I take the more intense class.

We love Extra Credit!

This biology class is based on 110 points total but there are 20 points extra credit. This is good as I missed 7 points on the first test. I am more familiar with the format now so the rest of the tests should be better, but much happiness for extra credit.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


I spent a large amount of time today trying to figure out my future schedule at NU. I did this big chart for my advisor, I hope I was at least close! It looks like I can graduate by the end of 08 assuming they let me double up a few times and I didn't miss any GE's. I still have September open somehow, the school's website died on me so I'll have to see what kind of GE's I can shoe horn in there. I don't want any months off, this needs to be finished.

I may have May 08 off, perhaps a trip then, still need to go to Europe. Bean, when do you graduate? =)

Monday, April 9, 2007

First Grade!

Got an A- in my paper writing class! Ended up with a 92.38, solid A- since they're making a distinction. Most colleges don't but I'm ok with the half steps, they don't do A+ which seems a bit unfair but ehhh =)

Good way to start my career at National, I'm content.

Now I'm off to Biology but that doesn't look too hard. Eventually these classes aren't going to be easy anymore, but until then I'm up for padding my GPA!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Still no Grades!

But Biology looks like a snap. We have all of the assignments for the month and can do them whenever as long as they're done by May 5. I'm thinking I'll be done in a week or two tops if I put my mind to it, which makes me very happy.

Extra credit too, always a good thing, gives me a bit of room on the tests.

Still nothing on the paper, I'm dying here!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Some grades

If I had another class to work on I don't think I'd be obsessing so much about my grade. Got full credit on the Power Point Presentation and full credit on all discussion points. Just waiting on the paper and the bibliography.

If he rounds I'm at an A, but the stuff that is left is worth 300 out of 800 points in the class, so that grade really doesn't mean much. Well it means I can get an A, but doesn't guarantee anything.

That power point thing, I used templates, clip art, typed in paragraph headings, I didn't do anything special. I did put it on a timer and added a few screenshots, so it wasn't all clip art, but that really wasn't difficult at all. I read the help and typed stuff in.

I'm not complaining about getting full credit, I just thought there was more to power point than that, the way people were stresing.

Now I keep checking for my final grade!

Monday, April 2, 2007

No grades yet!

Going out of town on Wed to Sun, I would have planned something more if I had realized I had real time off, but this works too. Vegas Vacation ftw

Still no grades, I'm constantly refreshing the page, it being my first class at the University I'm anxious to see how I did.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Spring Break

Turns out my next class doesn't start until the 9th of April, both the Community College and the University are on Spring Break.

I have no idea what to do with myself this week! If I had known I would have planned something. The sad part is this is my only real vacation from school until at least September, and here I am with no plans.

Maybe I'll go to Vegas.

Saturday, March 31, 2007


I think the hardest part of any class is waiting on a grade. Some classes you know right away where you are, but with a class involving a paper there is a bit of anxiety. I kind of like having a right and wrong answer, but I tend to do better when it's subjunctive. (I think that is the word I want!)

I'll find out on Monday, I think, how I did on my Java midterm, all full credit on all assignments so far. I have a project and a final in that class so even if I didn't ace the midterm I have room to make things up. I can program I just don't take multiple choice test referring to said program well. My C++ class I literally failed the one test we had, got a 52, but I got an A in the class because not only did I get full credit on every assignment, I did all of the extra credit available. I knew that going into the test though, maybe if it had mattered I would have tried harder. Moot point now, got the A.

Monday (I think, I'll have to check) begins Biology 100. I think I'm good there. I'm glad I"m taking these courses first, getting myself back into the university thing, getting used to managing my time and studying etc before I get into the 'meat' of my major. That and A's to pad the gpa are always welcome. They don't count to my Major GPA, which is the important one, but it still looks good.

Friday, March 30, 2007

It's in

Final paper in, I'll post it later

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Final Paper Candidate

Final Paper Candidate

I feel good about it, my only concerns are flow and if I annotated the bibliography sufficiently.

It's due by midnight Sat night but I"d like to have it in by tomorrow at the latest.

It's in Microsoft Word 2003 format if anyone want to download it and let me know what they think.

I'll post the final final one when I turn it in.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Java Midterm

Done, I won't get a grade until the deadline expires, but I looked just about everything up that I wasn't sure about. It should be good.

This professor got rude and condescending with a student again. I sent her an email telling her I'm right behind her if she complains, I can't believe this guy. She's all rattled thinking she did something horribly wrong, and she just told him that if she has a question it's because she doesn't know the answer. I can't WAIT to fill out my end of class survey.

His excuse for berating her was that even though he hadn't changed the sylabus yet, we were supposed to take what he says in a discussion thread OVER the syllabus. While teachers are allowed to change the syllabus they are supposed to actually change it and not berate people for being confused because the teacher hasn't actually done what he said he was going to do yet.

I am so not pleased, I'm going to dig up the email for the dean, which he keeps daring us to do, and start the official complaint process. I'm not paying a lot for this class (community college ftw) but I am still paying and that means I deserve some respect and cooperation from the teacher.

Here is something wrong with Higher Education, when you treat people like children they tend to act that way. Treat them like adults and, while yes I know not all of them, but many will rise to the occasion.

note: sent an email to the dean and the girl that was all flustered was happy I did so, we'll see what, if anything happens

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Power Point Done

You can download it from Power Point Thing if you so desire, but it's in.

Now just polish the paper and annotate the bibliography. Oh and take my Java midterm but that isn't posted until tomorrow.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Power Point

Either I did something very much wrong or that was way easier than I thought.

I clicked, I typed, I put in cheesy clip art, I made stupid transitions and told it to play... I guess I could narrate it but I really don't think my professor cares that much.

I'm going to go read all of the discussion on the class board about this in case I missed something vital.

I am not creative!!!!!

Working on this power point silliness, I've got the text (mostly) done for the slides but now I need to make it interesting to look at. I really want full credit so I'm willing to put the effort in, but I am so not creative. I make people less creative by being in the room with them!!

Here goes nothing...

Learning to Read...

Here is the requirement for this paper

Length: 1200-1600 words (approximately 6-8 pages, double-spaced, excluding charts, graphs, citation page, title page, etc.).

In my head I read that as 12 to 16 pages and I had been in a panic trying to figure out how to extend the paper. I am at 10 pages with 2.6 k words with a bit more to add. I wrote five without even using sources.

Time to take a hatchet and cut this down a bit, but I am suddenly a LOT less stressed about the final paper. I"m glad I went back and checked.

Less stressed about the power point thing, I found my Office install disks, at least I have the program now.

I love professors that keep us up to date on where we are in the class. The final total is 800 points, because of quizes and the research proposal (didn't get full credit) I'm down 23 points. The cut from A to A- is 761 so if I'm perfect with the rest I've nailed it, but I have 16 points to play with.

However this isn't my strongest suite so while as always I will shoot for an A, an A- is still a pretty significant accomplishment.

I can't even begin to describe the amount of stress that has just lifted off of my shoulders, the paper is almost done just need to add a few graphs and a screenshot, then polish and annotate the bibliography.

Now that Java midterm... we'll see how that goes.


Battlestar Galatica ended it's third season just like the other two.... I love this show.

Full Credit!

Got full credit on the rough draft! I like how this professor is making different assignments count so much (final paper is only 200, rough draft was 150) so I have a chance of padding my grade. Doing something stupid on the final paper doesn't guarantee failing the class, but then again acing the final paper doesn't guarantee getting an A.

The point of the class is to teach us how to research and I think these assignments cover that pretty well.

This week is going to be beyond nuts, Power Point presentation is due Wed, final paper due by Sat and I have my Java midterm somewhere in there also. May not be leaving the house much, but this is why I'm doing this!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Rough Draft Done!

Despite all of the distractions of the past few days, the rough draft is done! It's longer than the requirement for the rough draft but not even close to how long it's supposed to be for the final paper. I need more things to say! =)

You can download it from Rough Draft paper! if you so desire, it's in Microsoft Word 2003 (Windows) format.

Huge relief to get at least that in. Now I wait for feedback from the professor, inflict it on a few cousins and try to figure out how to do a power point presentation without actually having power point. I'm going to have to ding up my Office disks I guess.

However I think I may take tonight off, perhaps tomorrow too, depending on how quickly the professor gets back to me on the paper. I'd work on Java but I've got nothing to do there... go figure.

Maybe I really can do this school thing =)

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Java Update

Sometimes I forget that I have another class. Got full credit on the assignment, getting less than full credit would have been embarrassing.

The midterm is next week so I'm going to attempt to get my paper pretty much written by Tuesday so I have a little breathing room to make sure I do well on the Java test. He gave us a few more guidelines so I have something to study.

Reading this man's posts and his correspondence that has been posted he's really rude. He seems to be the kind of teacher that thinks he is so much better than his students, which really bothers me. He doesn't answer questions really, and he's sarcastic but not in a good or funny way, it is more in a belittling way.

I had some suspicions before the class began. There is an option for the instructor to post the sylabus and book requirements before the first day of class. My last class did this, and it gave me some lead time to get the book, which I appreciated. It also gave me a good idea what I was walking into and let me schedule accordingly.

This guy didn't put anything up.

I have an end of course survey I get to fill out, and I'm sure I can find other places to post my concerns, facebook comes to mind. I love that the net allows such information to be available to anyone who thinks to look.

I did look before I took this class but no information was available about this instructor, hopefully I can fix that.

Flow of sentence structure

I'm having a sort of conversation with another student about sentence structure, this other student is advocating short simple sentences while my tendency is to make them so long they tend to be run on.

I posted a body paragraph of my rough draft, as was the assignment, for critique. He was absolutely correct with one of them but I don't agree with the others. Here they are:

My sentence

However this box does not contain the entirety of the game, the install disk only has the client, or half of the information needed to run the game.

The student's response:

(You have two independent ideas separated by commas. They should be separated by periods or semicolon.)

I'm not completely happy with the sentence but I don't think it should be two separate sentences.

What do you think?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

First rough draft half done

Thanks to cuzzie who helped me go over it a bit, first half, maybe third, of the paper's rough draft is finished, well as finished as a rough draft can be.

In our class we were asked to post our intro paragraph. So far the one I read wasn't so good, and I tried to make constructive critizm, thinks like put your topic in the intro, list out what you're going to talk about, don't put in obscure throw away references without giving them at least a little bit of contex, all things I was taught in school. The guy basically told me he was right and I was wrong, which I really don't care about, but I had said cuzzie look at it and she not only agreed with me but took it a step further.

Then this guy starts giving advice to others about making their sentences shorter and more direct. See spot run. Good dog spot. omg give me a break, do they not teach people the basics of writing anymore? I'm guessing he didn't read the book or he would know how stupid he sounds.

Made me feel better though =) too bad it was at someone else's expense but hey, he was so blatantly wrong. I'm not going to post the example because it was put on a private board available only to people in the class, just trust me on this.

Easy part of the paper is pretty much done, now for the part that isn't from my own knowledge and has to address a specific question. I also have got to make sure I put the interdisciplinary slant in or that will cost me points, no matter how good my paper is.

House update, the ants are driving me batty, half a bottle of RAID and scrubbing up the stove doesn't seem to be helping much. I can't figure out where they're coming in, so foul.