Friday, March 23, 2007

Rough Draft Done!

Despite all of the distractions of the past few days, the rough draft is done! It's longer than the requirement for the rough draft but not even close to how long it's supposed to be for the final paper. I need more things to say! =)

You can download it from Rough Draft paper! if you so desire, it's in Microsoft Word 2003 (Windows) format.

Huge relief to get at least that in. Now I wait for feedback from the professor, inflict it on a few cousins and try to figure out how to do a power point presentation without actually having power point. I'm going to have to ding up my Office disks I guess.

However I think I may take tonight off, perhaps tomorrow too, depending on how quickly the professor gets back to me on the paper. I'd work on Java but I've got nothing to do there... go figure.

Maybe I really can do this school thing =)

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