Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Religion and State

I'm about to get into an argument with someone in my class about the separation of Church and State. This is something I feel very strongly about as I am tried of these people screaming that our country was based on their religion (umm no it wasn't thanks) and so of course the government should be run by their values and forget everyone else.

It makes me sad because I know true Christians that follow the teachings of the religion they believe in. They love their fellow man, they try to do the right thing with their lives according to what they feel their God would have them do. They turn the other cheek and love everyone no matter what their religious differences are. It's these wack jobs that give Christians a bad name, and honestly it makes me angry.

Someone right now is complaining that there was a Crescent on a Muslim place of worship, and she had to 'tolerate' that but the Christian cross in the CITY OF LA's seal had to be taken out.

I'm not seeing the correlation unless she wants to take every cross off of every Christian church, but to her it's the exact same thing. I don't follow the logic, and honestly with a lot of 'these people' I don't know that there is any.

Mormons do this with their 'non member' bullshit even though I heard the head of the Mormon church get up in front of everyone and told people to cut it out, we love everyone remember?

I can truthfully say that the 'Religious Right' is one of the reasons I became a Democrat.

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