Monday, August 27, 2007

Recycling is supposed to be a good thing!

It shouldn't be this difficult to find out why my homeowners association doesn't have recycling pick up and then to get that changed. I've been on the phone for half an hour being shuffled from one business to another trying to figure out who to even make the request of, no one seems to know.

Especially in California this shouldn't be a hard thing to get arranged! Aren't we the tree huggers?? I left a message with someone that will hopefully be useful. I just want a big blue container that I put all of my cardboard and plastics in and they pick it up once a week. Yard waste pick up would be nice too but with most of the yards in this complex being concrete I don't see it being economical.

Anyway one more week of Advanced C++ and then Sept is an 'easy' month with a 200 level GE writing class.

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