Sunday, June 17, 2007

That Nighmare

The one where there is a class you forgot to go to? Now you're getting an F and there is nothing you can do about it? Yah had that again last night. I was trying to explain why I was killing my gpa by absolutely failing two classes. I felt better waking up and realizing I only take one class at a time!

Took my first test this weekend. I really don't like classes where the grading is all based on the teacher's opinion, vague questions to answer where he has an idea in his mind on what is right and you have to try to figure that out. I also hate regurgitating what I read, but that seems to be what he wants. I just have to figure out what he wants and give it to him so I can do well in the class. We'll see how I do on this test, if I don't do well then I may not be getting an A this month, we'll see.

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