Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I've been bad with updating, sorry

I'm doing alright just a lot of work. I did eight hours of calc on Saturday, burned out my poor little brain!

I have a calc midterm that i"m going to take tomorrow and I have a midterm in linear algebra tonight. I haven't even started my homework in there yet, that is today. I also have to write up last week's homework, I really don't get most of this stuff. The lectures are mind numbing and it's hard to keep paying attention and get valuable information out of it. My only saving grace is that it's only two more weeks and then it's done for better or for worse.

My gardening is suffering, I need to weed desperately, but with all the rain we've gotten the plants are doing well at least! I get a whole week plus between the time I get back from Christmas before I go back to school and I'm going to week, replant etc stuff then. My Lilacs should be in around then, maybe a bit later.

Ok now to Linear Algebra so I can at least pull a B. I've decided I'm alright with B's for these math classes, though getting higher is always an accomplishment.

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