Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Caught up on Grades

I'm at an 89.57 so I"m betting this prof will round and it's an A. So far so good, but I need to make sure everything is absolutely correct to keep it.

Assignment 2 is in and I"m working on 3 which is all streams and encryption. Not a fan personally but here goes nothing. Then one more assignment and the final, so not a lot of time to make up points if I screw something up.

My prof is great though, he spent a ton of time helping me figure out an assignment last night, and didn't take any points off for things being a little late.

Puppy got his stitches out so hopefully things around here get to be a little more normal. Counters are currently out and the cabinets come in maybe today if not then tomorrow. Counters are back hopefully on Friday. Someday I'll have my house back!

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