Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bloody Hot

It's 88 in my room, and that is with the fan on. Not ready to turn on the air but I'm getting close.

I have the handyman coming on Friday to talk about an attic fan, I"m told that would help. Right now I want to melt. Here is motivation on getting a job, air conditioned office!!

Still don't know about last month's class but this month's seems pretty straightforward. We're just looking at four different languages and learning about their syntax and how they do things. I don't know if I'll ever use them but being exposed to things never hurts. I just have to install NetBeans again and I had just barely uninstalled it =/

Foot is better, not great but better. My referral for PT goes through on Friday so I'll know then when that is going to start.

There is something about getting your hair done that makes everything in life better :)

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