Flu Shots
I went in for an orthopedic guy to look at my wrist. I had to go to the Kaiser Hospital so parking sucks, even with my handicap permit. Because of this I went really early, and it turns out I found a spot right away. Having almost 45 mins to spare I saw 'Flu Clinic' and decided to get my shot.
My arm hurts, but I got my flu shot! The doctor took x-rays of my writs to rule out bone issues and wants me to get an MRI which I will schedule next week, and then a follow up with the orthopedic guy. If it is a cyst they can try to stick a needle in it to brust it (eep!!) or do surgery, or just ignore it. As long as it doesn't get bigger or something like that it's completely benine, assuming it is a cyst. I opted for the MRI as if it's not a cyst the MRI will tell us what it is and answer all questions (hopefully).
He did a low energy x-ray today that was kind of cool. It was real time, he said the radiation was a bit above being out in the sun, and he was able to move the wrist around and see how the bones were working together. It's not high resolution and he did get 'normal' x-rays done also, but it was kind of fun to watch my wrist in real time like that. There doesn't appear to be any bone issues, which is good.
I call next week to schedule the MRI, so we'll see what happens from there.