All Requirements Fufilled!
My physics class was officially posted today and all of my requirements for my degree have been filled! Assuming I finish the class I'm currently in of course.
Announcements have been ordered and should be here by next week at the latest. Graduation dinner venue is reserved, working on the meal selections but really need the RSVP's to do that officially.
All plane etc tickets for this May thing have been purchased, just missing my dress and shoes for the wedding. And then making sure I have enough and appropriate clothing of course, and paying to check luggage, but those are doable.
This is kind of all coming together.
Starting to apply to jobs, I need a code example which I'm working on. This last class is going, we're a bit pressed for time but it's doable, I have a great team. I did finances today and I have a bit of breathing room before I'm out of student loan money, though the sooner I start working the better, I can use the rest of the student loan money to pay off some debt. Student Loans are paid off right before mortgages so I don't have problem using that money against other debt.
I think I'm going to work on a connect four type of game, we'll see how I do. Suddenly it's somehow April and I don't have much done, these past few months have gone REALLY fast.
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