Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Artificial Intelligence Class

So this class isn't what I was expecting. I'm not programming at all, I'm writing papers. This is still a good thing, I'm trying to learn a lot, but it's a different format than I was expecting. Two papers in four weeks is a touch overwhelming and I don't feel like I have the fundamentals down at ALL so we'll see how this goes.

First paper is on Tic Tac Toe, which is more complicated than I would have thought. There are algorithms on how to determine what move the computer makes, and I've found examples etc. I figure my first paper will define what AI actually is and what it isn't. I will get a terminator reference in there =) Then talk about Tic Tac Toe and why it's a beginner type program. Then I think he wants me to find out what people are researching about it currently and I don't see that happening.

The second paper will be more complicated, about something that is more current (I think, I'm still a bit fuzzy). This is useful but I"m really not sure how to go about it.

Then I have a final exam and I have NO idea what would be on that since I'm not doing any programming or assignments. I'll talk to my professor about it after this first paper is done.

So I'm fleshing out my outline and trying to find sources. Still have Physics to do which isn't helping as I have to learn that stuff and get the homework etc done. That final is on the 16th and the final paper is due that weekend. Busy Busy December, but then I've got two weeks with no homework and I'm greatly looking forward to that. Just need to get the next two and a half weeks done and very productive.

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