Ankles and Grades
Got a B- in OS and I'm just so annoyed at the professor that I just don't care anymore. If you round I'm back to a 3.3 gpa, won't graduate with a 3.5 but I'll live.
Dr appt tomorrow to recheck my ankle. I want a parking plackard so I can go back to school and actually have a bit of mobility. I'm fine with taking it easy as long as it takes (though my garden misses me) but it's getting really frustrating to not feel comfortable to go anywhere because I need to use the crutches but damn they hurt.
Hopefully I can get a temporary placard and then school and even possibly getting out of the house occasionally might happen. I hobble around the house but I'm really not comfortable going out without the crutches, and that means someone has to drop me off at the door or I walk, and crutches hurt! =)
The bruising is starting to look a bit better but it's still really tender, less swollen but while it doesn't hurt to actually walk it hurts about a min after I sit down. So it's elevation and ice while I try to do homework from my room.
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