Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Grocery Shopping Online

I found that I spend significantly less money when I do my grocery shopping online. As long as I can find a coupon for free delivery of course.

I had to go out and get the cat's needles (here is something that I didn't have to deal with in college the first time, and aging cat with diabetes) so I stopped at the grocery store to pick up a 'few' things and spent more than I did when I did my real shopping last week.

Amazon.com does a lot of household stuff with free shipping, you sign up for a subscription and they send it at a regular interval for less than you're going to find it at a local store.

Not that my grocery store is far away but it's nice to not have to drive also. Cheap gas is 3.89 as of yesterday so the more time I spend not driving the happier I am. I even got stamps yesterday so I don't have to go out to mail stuff.

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