Saturday, May 31, 2008

Rocked the Final

Turned in my final early and rocked it. That is the most confident I've felt about anything in this class for the last two months.

Ready to present my lab project, just need to write that up (easy after I put it together for the presentation) and the lab class is done.

All that is left is to finish up and polish the paper. That isn't completely trivial but I'm so ready for this to be done. Never doing this kind of stuff again, and I'm happy about that in a BIG way.

I'm looking forward to having a few days off after I finish this up. Next month is supposed to be hard also but at least it's new material. Same professor and I'm glad, I really like her.

So ready to be done.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


I just spent 40.06 for 9.869 gallons of gas......

From my iPhone


Wednesday, May 14, 2008


As anyone who knows me knows very well I'm not a big fan of cleaning. I like things clean, dirt and grime drive me batty, but I just have a hard time getting into actually doing the cleaning myself. I tend to just not look at the clutter and ignore it until it gets to the point where it just pisses me off. It doesn't hurt if I have something else to procrastinate, it seems like I clean the most when I have homework to do.

So a while ago I bought a Roomba on sale a few years ago and it's been living downstairs. It does an amazing job on the laminate floor down there, I just hit a button and it goes to town keeping things rather clean, it's kind of surprising what it will pick up.

So today I finally got tired of the den that the dogs had built under my bed. My excuse before was that it's actually really hard to get stuff out from under there as there isn't a lot of room (for a broom) and my arms are short! Today I bit the bullet so to speak and between lots of stretching and creative broom angles I got most of everything out from under there. I won't get into what I found lets just say that the next time I go out of town without the dogs I'm shutting the door to my room.

So now my trusty Roomba is going to down under my bed. It's a comforting sound though I'm kind of frightened on what I'll be dumping out of the unit when it's done. I love my little robot, though if anyone ever wants to get me something expensive the higher models let you program them!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Grocery Shopping Online

I found that I spend significantly less money when I do my grocery shopping online. As long as I can find a coupon for free delivery of course.

I had to go out and get the cat's needles (here is something that I didn't have to deal with in college the first time, and aging cat with diabetes) so I stopped at the grocery store to pick up a 'few' things and spent more than I did when I did my real shopping last week. does a lot of household stuff with free shipping, you sign up for a subscription and they send it at a regular interval for less than you're going to find it at a local store.

Not that my grocery store is far away but it's nice to not have to drive also. Cheap gas is 3.89 as of yesterday so the more time I spend not driving the happier I am. I even got stamps yesterday so I don't have to go out to mail stuff.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Part of being 'old'....

.... is reconnecting with old friends. I got a message on MySpace today from someone I went to college with, someone from my Freshman year who I had lost contact with and had given up on trying to find.

There was a group of four guys who hung out together and were people I loved dearly. It's part of that bonding experience that comes with going away from home for the first time. One of these four had totally cyber stalked me at SOE back Thanksgiving of 01 but when I left that job I totally blanked getting his email. It was kind of an insane time in my life and I've regretted it dearly since. Every once in a while I try out my google-fu to find people and with these guys I'd been failing.

I can't even express how happy I am that Austin found me. My life is really different than it was back then and I'm not sure how much we actually have in common anymore, but reconnecting with people who hold dear places in my heart is something I treasure.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Why I'm not for Hilliary

I'm watching The Daily Show and they're talking about Bloggers and how blogging is much more mainstream etc. Got me thinking that there is so much more than just school that interests me and that I have feelings about, and while this is primarily a blog about going back to school it wouldn't be inappropriate to talk about this Democratic race and what I think about the first viable woman presidential candidate.

I didn't vote for her and I don't like her. This goes against every instinct I have about the concept of a woman in the Oval Office but I can't bring myself to support her bid.

I want there to be a woman president, not just in my lifetime but my grandmother's lifetime. It really struck me when I was watching President Ford's funeral, it was all old white men. I get the old part but it was ALL white men and I don't want my generation's political legacy to be represented by all of that... sameness.

We are a country of diversity and that should be represented in our government. I think our generation and that if my parents' have accomplished this in our elected representatives, but there are things we haven't reached yet, and someone who isn't a white man in the highest office is the biggest 'glass ceiling' in existence.

So why am I not for Hilliary? Her policies, well her policies before she went bat shit crazy pandering for votes, are pretty much in line with what I believe, she'd nominate left leaning judges for the Supreme Court which is very important to me, she's a successful and powerful woman making a viable bid for that ultimate glass ceiling, yet I want nothing to do with it.

There are two factors that when combined with the fact she's a woman prevent me from being able to support her candidacy. First is that she is where she is because of her husband. That offends me as a woman and a feminist, she didn't do this on her own merits but is running on her husband's accomplishments. I'm not saying she couldn't have accomplished everything she has all by herself, but she chose not to and for that reason alone I can't do the 'women power rah rah rah' thing.

The other issue is that she allowed her husband to publically humiliate her and then stayed with him. The only reason that I can fathom that she stayed was so she could run for president someday, and that is wrong. She said to every woman whose husband was unfaithful to them that they should just suck it up and smile. Hell I can't count the number of political wives that have stood next to their husbands in the press conferences as these husbands admit to cheating on them. What the hell??? This is not the way to show that women are equal to men, it shows that these women shut up and take what the man gives them, screw that noise.

There are women politicians whom I respect even if I don't agree with their politics simply because they are accomplishing things that a woman before hadn't. Nancy Pelosi, Condi Rice, Madelin Albright to name the ones in my most recent memory. All of these women have accomplished these very high positions without having to ride their husband's coattails. I wouldn't know Pelosi or Albright's husbands if I ran into them on the street and I don't believe Rice is married.

Now don't misunderstand me, I think a spouse can be a huge pivotal part of someone's success and deserves credit for their contributions. I also think that a spouse of someone successful can be successful in their own right. However Hilliary Clinton runs, in part, on the 'I am a woman look at me' and opes that up for scrutiny, and she doesn't pass mine.

Now, if we didn't have another option that I am completely enamored with I would be supporting Clinton like I did Kerry, lesser of two evils. It is very exciting to be able to vote for someone that I actually WANT to vote for, I've never been in that situation before.

I'm sure I've said this before on this blog, but I've always been a bit jealous of my parent's generation who had JFK, a politician that people were actually excited about. A politician who inspired them and the whole nation to go to the moon! I have finally found that kind of politician in Barack Obama.

The man isn't perfect, hell part of what he's campaign on is the fact he's not a Washington insider, and it shows with some of this 'newbie' mistakes. He's had misteps, as has his wife, and I'm sure there will be more. Oh as an aside I feel the same way Michelle does, it is the first time I've been proud of my country. I've been proud of people in my country before but never of my country as a whole.

Anyway Obama will learn how to express the fact that people in rural areas have turned to things they know they can win politically instead of what would really help them without actually accusing them of clinging to their 'guns and god' like it was a bad thing. Maybe he'll even learn to bowl, who knows, but he's run a fantastic campaign that isn't in debt and has invigorated people who usually don't pay attention to the political process. That alone could become one of his biggest accomplishments if he can make it stick, inspiring a whole generation of people to get involved would be a big accomplishment.

Something specific brought this on tonight. I was watching MSNBC, as I do pretty much every day, and the wonderful Rachel Maddow brought up the spouse issue. It got me thinking and I agree completely. Basically, I want the first woman president to be someone who got their on her own accomplishments and not her husband's.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

This is why I'm most likely not going into hardware...

I just created a circuit where 10 * 2 = 66

This is what we call 'new math', or 'Ester's headache'... both work

Monday, May 5, 2008

Dropped the AI Class

I just can't do all of it and instead of letting my grades suffer (and this hardware class they just might suffer anyway) I just dropped the AI class. I'm sad about it and I hope I can take it some other time. I added back the class in July (I currently have it both places) in case they can schedule another AI class next January. I'll email my professor again this week asking about an independent study option also.

Driving home back to San Diego today. The twins had a great birthday weekend and are five now! We went to see Sesame Street Live and while it was good it went on a bit long for their (and my) attention spans. They had a good time though which was what really mattered.

So much less stress this month than I was anticipating, now I have no excuse to not rock these hardware classes. I haven't figured out my actual grade yet but since this is all new material I'm not upset about not getting an A.

Need to see Iron Man =)