Friday, July 27, 2007

My professor rocks!

I turned in my 'week 2' assignments but needed help with one of them. He worked with me until midnight to get it all figured out and it was all good.

Then I went to turn it in and I turned in an earlier version. I got an email asking for the corrected version so he can give me full credit.

With the full credit I"m at a 94%. I love these classes because I'm being 'tested' on my program working and using the concepts in the book. This is pretty simple (not easy) as it is easy to prove that. The program has to work and do what is asked, that is kind of black and white.

He is also allowing things to be turned in late, he's great with taking time to work with the students, and if I keep this up I'll get an A! Have to do really well on the final though, for some reason I don't do question and answer type things well in this subject.

Oh and the other day when he was helping me that with what I had turned in so far he would hire me. That gives me hope that I will be able to improve and polish and learn the concepts to really do this ;)

And my counters are going in right this very min! Sink is hooked up again on tomorrow and hopefully the rest of the floor done. I almost have a house again!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Caught up on Grades

I'm at an 89.57 so I"m betting this prof will round and it's an A. So far so good, but I need to make sure everything is absolutely correct to keep it.

Assignment 2 is in and I"m working on 3 which is all streams and encryption. Not a fan personally but here goes nothing. Then one more assignment and the final, so not a lot of time to make up points if I screw something up.

My prof is great though, he spent a ton of time helping me figure out an assignment last night, and didn't take any points off for things being a little late.

Puppy got his stitches out so hopefully things around here get to be a little more normal. Counters are currently out and the cabinets come in maybe today if not then tomorrow. Counters are back hopefully on Friday. Someday I'll have my house back!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Midterm Grade

Got a 78 out of 90 so an 86%

Hopefully my assignment grades will help raise that, it looks like he's not doing the A-/B+ thing so I only need a 90% to get an A. The midterm was 15% of my grade while each assignment is also 15%. The final is more but getting back the midterm and the assignments hopefully I'll be able to see what I did wrong and improve for the final.

I hate not having feedback, it kills me! =)

Tests and Assignments

Took my midterm, took less than three hours so I hope I did alright.

Still no grade on my first assignment. I totally get that the prof has a lot of code etc to go through but I hate the delay. The class is half over and I still don't know how I'm doing. I may have found the vital flaw in this one class for a month thing, I don't know how I'm doing so I don't know if I need to do anything differently.

Almost done with assignment two, two after that and a final.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Sorry for the silence

It's actually been busy around here!

Got a B in the Cultural Diversity Class, puts my gpa at 3.6.

C++ is going well, I am annoying many people for help but I think I'm understanding what I'm doing.

My floors are almost done, my kitchen will be finished by next week and my new slider will be in before my Aunt comes to visit. Yard is pretty much done, I'm just futzing with the irrigation and then it's off to buy soil and new plants!

I almost have a new house, it's the almost that is really killing me. New fridge got installed yesterday, it's very pretty, and I hated the old one so it's good news all around!

C++ is still review from the community college class I took in Jan so I'm doing pretty well. Next week will be more difficult, and of course I have family coming in that week.

Oh dog's surgery went well, he's kind of odd looking as things heal but he's doing really good. I'll know more tomorrow.

Car goes into the shop for the last time Monday or so, I might even have it back by the end of the week.

Basically by Aug 1 my house car and dog will be back together!

Oh school, this month is C++ as is Aug. I'm enjoying it so far but since I have a ton of help that makes things a bit easier.

Tuition is being raised, it shouldn't surprise me really, I wonder if they'll up my financial aid because of it....

Ok disjointed post but I'm half paying attention to the online lecture on recursiveness in programming. Kind of paying attention!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Yep it got harder

Trying to do this new class, I'm a bit behind as its' a new textbook so it's a different approach and they assume I know these stock functions I've never seen before. I'm starting to come up to speed, but I"ll be 'stealing' certain people for help this weekend to make sure I've got it all worked out.

The frustrating part is that I pretty much get the concepts, it's the implementation I'm having trouble with, and that really is half the battle honestly. I'll get this though, it's just frustrating as I know I know how to do this.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Grades are in

Got a B but I knew that, the final grades aren't officially posted but I think that brings me to a 3.75, which I'm still very happy with.

Now to 'real' school and my programming stuff.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Live Lectures

I am remembering why I don't like actual lectures, the professor just usually reads the lecture notes aloud and we listen along, not very interesting honestly.

I like this prof though, I got him to admit he's fine with us just doing the assignments to prove we know what we're doing, and he mentioned that just because you can do the assignments doesn't mean you actually know what you're doing. Very acute observation.

I don't know if I can sit through five hours of lecture twice a week, no matter how much it is supposed to help. There is a reason I am taking classes online. I can't argue with the fact that having someone to talk to live is incredibly helpful, but I"m bored and hungry =)

Off to a good start

Only four assignments, a midterm and a final. Since I really don't test well with programming stuff I need to get full credit on my assignments, but I think I can manage that with some time effort and help =)

My professor responds to my questions quickly and seems very helpful, I am optomistic.

Floor guy is here, Once he's settled I'm going back to bed (yawn) but I'll get started on the first chapter today!

A lot of this stuff is review but it's a review I need. I'm not 100% on these concepts and hopefully I will be more grounded on them after this class.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Class for July

Programming in C++

The link takes you to the old designation but it's the same class.

The good part is it looks like the first week or so is stuff I've already done in the Community college class so it will be a nice review and get me ready for August. In fact August look like it's just more in depth so I'm not as apprehensive as I was.

Anyway back home and trying to dig through mail etc, workmen coming tomorrow and Mutt has his surgery on Thursday. My car is finally back though!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

School Vacations

'Summer Break' is almost done, I'll be back in SD tomorrow. It was nice to not have to stress about schoolwork for a week.

C++ 2 out of 3 begins on Monday, I have the book I just haven't opened it yet. The schedule looks pretty intense but I also have covered a bit of this before so hopefully I can get a head start.

Now I"m just hoping my roommate was able to pick up my car =/