Friday, November 21, 2008

Just one more homework assignment

Just one more homework assignment and then the final tomorrow and Networking is in the bag. It's just getting the motivation together to actually finish this homework.

Thanksgiving plans consist of driving out to Sedona on Sunday. Spending a week there and then it's back for the rest of my Physics class. Only a few more weeks of that and then it's done. I'm kind of mixed on that, I really enjoy the professor and the class, but it's a real pita to go downtown twice a week so I won't miss the drive.

My AI book is on it's way to my grandparents place, I'm excited to get up and running on that. It's going to be hard, and very programming intensive, but it's finally something I'm actually interested in, so hopefully that will make the difference. That and the lack of four plus hour classes twice a week may help a lot more.

Ok, back to homework

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

December's Class

So I've mentioned a few times that I was trying to get the Artificial Intelligence elective for December. It had been unofficially approved for a while now, but today it was finally 'officially' approved! That means that I'm no longer enrolled in Advanced Java!! This is great because even if I don't get the second AI elective that class is Wireless Devices and that would at least be useful, or not a waste of time.

So I don't know who my professor is yet, I have no idea what my book is, but I'm in! That means I have to finish up this week's Networking, final on Saturday and homeworks and such, and then it's off to something that actually interests me. Also hopefully I'll not have to sit in a lecture for four an a half hours twice a week which will make life just that much better.

Huge relief, and possibly learning something that may help me get a job, overall I'm pretty happy =)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Busy, but I've got most of it done

Two papers down, got about 1/3 of the homework finished and still have a whole 24 hours before anything is due. Also read four really thick books but didn't really leave the house all weekend.

Only a week left of networking, and I'm still not officially set for the AI classes, they're still looking for professors for me. If that doesn't come through I'll end up taking Advanced Java next month and I really don't want to do that.

So today it's Physics and Networking homework and possibly some gardening, depending on how the foot holds up.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Dust and Good Will

Found another thing that distinguishes a 'traditional' college student and one like me who has gone back.

Cleaning a house I've lived in for almost 8 years. Most college students are in dorms or small apartments. They don't have a lot of stuff, maybe clothes and shoes but not a lot of ... stuff. Stuff stays at the 'rents house, you only take what you need to school.

Well not so much for me. I'm not a huge fan of cleaning, and while I do tend to give neat freaks panic attacks I'm not usually dirty, it's just that clutter doesn't bother me like it does some people. I'm also very 'out of site out of mind'. So in my bedroom I have a cedar chest my grandmother bought for me when I graduated from High School. It had my collection of stuffed animals on it and ends up being a desk of sorts.

I do all of my school work and most of my household paper work type stuff on my bed in my room. It's more comfortable and with my hip issues it's just easier. Add that to the fact I sleep alone half of my bed is normally covered with school books and papers etc. Well whenever I would change the sheets all of that would get stacked onto the cedar chest, the piles just getting higher and higher.

Today I tackled that project and I am happy to say that the only textbooks on the chest are the ones I am currently using, and it sports a bunch of family photos. All the clothes that were in there had been in there for about 8 years so it all went into bags for Good Will. Lots of papers dealing with old classes and other stuff I don't need, so three bags of trash later, and a LOT of dust later, much less clutter. The stuffies are in the chest and I even conditioned the wood.

Tomorrow is back to schoolwork, but the next break I get I go after the closet. Less dust but more stuff, Good Will loves me.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Living in Extraordinary Times

We life in extraordinary times, we accomplished something yesterday that had never been done and we are better for it. I echo Michelle's comment that she took so much over, for the first time in my adult life, I'm proud to be an American.

I've said this before, but I now can relate just a little bit more to people of my parent's generation being so excited about JFK. I actually have faith in someone in the government. He's not perfect, he's not the second coming of anything, but I honestly respect him, and I have faith that he is going to do the best he can, and that is all I think anyone can ask from anyone else.

There is a State Senator from 'up north' that I believe will do the best thing also. Beyond that I've never believed in a politician.

The Untied States of America whose origins were seeped in the horrors of slavery just elected a black President. The White House was built by African slaves, and now the First Family is African American. Two beautiful little girls will join the very exclusive club as children who grow up in that house, Michelle is going to be a fantastic First Lady, and we have a President of the United States that not only brings out the patriot in me, but one I believe in.

He's moving into this position under the worst economy 'in 100 years', two wars, one of which we have to get out of and the other needs to be fought and won. People don't have jobs, health care, and while gas prices have plummeted they're going to go back up. This country needs another New Deal, we need jobs, our infrastructure is literally collapsing and it needs to be fixed. I truly believe that Obama is the man for the job.

As far as taxes go, there are people I love dearly whose tax burden will raise. Not a lot, and under where it was under Regan, and even under some of Clinton's reign, but it will go up. However I'm ok with less Christmas presents or trips or whatever to have a healthy economy and an infrastructure. We have to pay for this war and while it's a bit snarky everyone I know whose taxes will go up voted for Bush, twice, so they having to sacrifice to help clean up the mess he's leaving behind really doesn't bother me too much.

And you know what, after all of the history that we're living, after the relief that sanity just might come back to Washington, the expectations that I might actually be able to get affordable health insurance eventually, one things stands above.

Biden loves trains almost as much as I do.

So even for me, the white 30 something who still doesn't have her Bachelor's degree, even for me there is something specific for me to get excited about because of this election.

So, President-Elect Obama, thank you for running a level headed magnificent campaign. Thank you for giving me hope and restoring my faith in the possibility that a politician might actually be genuine. Thank you for doing what you're doing during my lifetime so I can witness this amazing accomplishment. And thank you, in advance, for my new trains.

Not ready to experess my thoughts quite yet

Yesterday was something that I will never forget. I still haven't organized my thoughts about what we accomplished last night, what this means for our country and the world.

There was a lady in Atlanta, 106 years old, the child of a slave, who was able to vote for the first African American President. For the first time in my life I"m excited about a President.

All of this is tempered by California. While it's not done yet it's looking like Prop 8 might pass. My state is about to inscribe bigotry into our state constitution. One of the reasons I live in California is the political climate, but this just disappoints me more than I can describe. I can't put into words my anger and disappointment that tempers my joy at the Presidential election.

What makes me the most angry is that this was apparently bankrolled by out of state Mormons. So a religion is trying to dictate our secular laws, and that is abhorrent to me. The fact that so much money came from out of state bothers me even more. The fact that I used to proudly call myself Mormon is a personal thing that I'm going to have to come to terms with, but for the first time I'm actually considering asking that my name is removed from their rolls. It never mattered to me before but I can not, will not, be a part, even if it's a name in a database, of an institution that actively promotes bigotry.

Separate but equal does not work and is not alright. Prejudice should never be tolerated in any form and it's breaking my heart that the day my country finally crosses such an important line dealing with one minority we vote to suppress another.

I guess I am ready to express my detestation and sorrow when dealing with Prop 8. It tempers the joy I felt last night, I cried as Obama was announced as our President, but my tears at Prop 8 are of sorrow.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Family Pictures


This is my favorite of me and the twins!
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