Friday, November 30, 2007

Two Classes

Taking two classes at once is doable, it's not going to be very easy but I can manage it I think.

My Calc 2 class is recorded so I can listen to them at any time. This is a HUGE help for me right now.

Linear Algebra is going to be tough. The professor is very knowledgeable but he doesn't understand how the technology works and it is frustrating for us and for him. Hopefully the class can figure things out.

Work is getting better too, I have a direction, I have to design a web page!! Not a lot of experience with this but I'll give it a shot =)

Ok back to work!

Monday, November 26, 2007

I am insane

This is something I think I will be repeating to myself often over the next few months.

CSC 208 (Calc 1) is done, got a B unless he curves the final, which he should do as the whole class failed it miserably. Now I'm doing CSC 209 AND CSC 310. Kill me now!!

However the prof for 209 is the same Prof I had in August so he knows me. I explained the fact that I can't be at chat sessions on Tuesday and Thursday as it conflicts with the other NU class and he is being very accommodating. It's going to be hard, it's going to suck and I have no idea what Linear Algebra (310) is even about. I start that tomorrow at 5:30pm.

I'm going to start on my Calc homework tonight so maybe I can get a little bit abreast of things, but this is going to be hectic. A Good hectic but still, insanity is mine!

Oh and I still have to work 20 hours this month, which doesn't sound hard but can be a little bit sometimes.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Long time between updates

Sorry about that, I've been doing math problems until my eyes cross.

Finally finished all of my homework, prof said I can drop it off on Monday even though the class technically ends on Sunday. Nothing till the review on Friday and then the final on Sat. We'll see how I do, didn't do so hot on the midterm even with the extra credit.

At the grandparent's place for Thanksgiving. It is going to be calm and quiet which I welcome. My biggest job is to open pickle jars, and I"m ok with that.

Monday begins my first 'month from hell' with more calc and Linear Algebra. I had my calc teacher for CSC 300 and I"m guessing he's not going to be as forgiving as this month's teacher is. Fortunately I don't have to keep the 3.5+ as I've already been approved for my double class in January. If I get a B I just move on =)

Everyone have a good Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Flu shots, Health Insurance and a Sick Cat

Got my flu shot today, my family will be happy to know. :) I also got refills on prescriptions and a referral to a dermatologist as I"m giving up my health insurance come Jan 1. I can't afford 400 a month, it's just not going to happen. Hopefully I might be able to get on the state plan but I don't know.

Banshee isn't looking well, we're going to the vet in about 45 mins. She's lethargic and not eating, but went right for the water which means I may be back to daily shots if she's gone back to being diabetic. I had just attributed it to old age till she went for the water. Just what I need!

I'll post my rant against health care later, I'm too tired now honestly.

My midterm is now tomorrow instead of yesterday, the final is a week after that. At least this professor gives us 'examples' of the problems ahead of time, different numbers but if you have an example you can just plug in the new numbers and you have an answer!

So Banshee goes in at 4 and class is at 6. Somewhere in there I should probably eat =)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Not a lot going on

With school at least. Math is easier than I thought it would be, as I've mentioned before. Work is going well, I got paid! I'm meeting with my manager on Thursday to put together a plan etc, which is very cool and something I'm looking forward to. Being limited to five hours a week is kind of hard, so it's nice to have more stuff to be working on, even if it technically puts me over. I'll just bill them for the five a week.

It's beautiful out today, real San Diego weather. There will be a ride on the bike in my near future, too nice a day to not go outside a bit.

I am officially down 10lbs on a 'non fad' diet. I'm really excited as while this is slow it's steady and is something I know I can maintain. I even get to eat 'poorly' once or twice and still lose the 1.5 lbs I want to a week.

Going to the doc on Thursday to find cheaper meds and get the last referrals I need, I want to get everything done before the new year as, unless something changes, I won't have health insurance. They've finally managed to price me out completely. I've applied for a much cheaper plan but they're taking their time turning me down. We'll see what happens.

There is another rant, the state of health care in this country if you're not employed. Hell even if you are from what I understand but I can't personally attest to that. It needs an overhaul and it sucks.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Math Nerd ftw

So tonight my professor is going through examples from the book in my Calculus class and TWICE I caught an error. It's not that he didn't know what he was doing, the guy is brilliant, but it's easy to drop a variable or switch a sign.

I'm not gloating him making minor mistakes, but I AM gloating about the fact that I caught them. Huge confidence builder for me, it shows me I do understand what I"m doing in this class and I haven't 'lost' the math thing that I had when I was younger.

And I can drop my homework off at his office which simplifies the whole scanning issue, which was causing much stress.

So overall I'm feeling good about my November class, lets hope December goes as smoothly.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Telephones and Technology

I finally broke down and installed Vonage. Those who would use the number, I emailed it to you btw =)

I decided to do this as I seem to make a lot of calls at home that put me on hold. That just eats up cell mins so this way I can do it on a flat rate. ALSO now I can send faxes, which is so worth it.

So I do all of this and realize I don't actually have a telephone. So, for the first time since before I moved to California I went out and bought a phone. I ended up with a wireless one with an extra handset so I can wander and so I can have a phone in my room. The base set has to be plugged in at the router (cable phone) so this seems to be the ideal.

I'm kind of suprised how cheap this was, 40 total for the two headsets.

That done, now I just have to get my scanner working, I have to scan in my 'work' on my homework and this is really easier said than done.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Ok not as bad as it looked

It turns out my professor isn't even really paying attention to the syllabus. We spent two hours the other night deciding when the midterm and final were, he assigns homework at each class session and it's not what is necessarily on the syllabus. He's also willing to go over each problem before it's due.

Test are multiple choice which is helpful. That will also let me work backwards with the calculator. This is VERY helpful.

I missed the 'make up' on Sat but he knew and was ok with it. Now I just need to listen to it and do the homework for Tuesday. Maybe, just maybe, Math !> Me

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Math > Me

I used to be good at this stuff too. I'm trying to work thorugh the homework and I have greatly overestimated my retention of math. This month is going to be a HUGE catchup for me and next month is going to be insane.

I did get a new toy though. TI-89 calculator though mine doesn't look quite like the one in that picture. Hopefully this will give me enough assistance that I'll be able to do alright in the class.

First class itself is tonight and I've emailed the professor asking when the homework is due and when these class sessions will happen. I'm all for free form classes, that is why I'm doing this online, but I also need to be able to plan things around my classes, which means knowing when they are. This course doesn't end until Nov 24th which is the weekend right AFTER Thanksgiving so I need to be making plans so I can have a day to travel.

Now I get to try to make friends with my calculator. This isn't as easy as it sounds.