Sunday, May 27, 2007

Time to simplify

I decided that the Java class is a waste of my time since I have to take it over at NU anyway. I paid for it myself so I"m not worried about wasting others money, and after this weekend I'm just not in the mood to deal with this instructor's crap. I've learned absolutely nothing and I'm not going to waste time and energy on it anymore.

In case that was too cryptic my car was stolen on Friday night, 36 hours later no word from the police so I"m betting it's in TJ in parts. I really have other things to worry about right now than some egotistical instructor who gives us a final project covering things the book doesn't even cover, I'm just not in the mood.

It's way too late to drop the class but since it wouldn't transfer anyway I really don't care anymore. I did fill out the 'end of class survey' expressing my thoughts and feelings about the instructor so I feel I accomplished something.

I am going to hold onto the book as a reference, so that is something.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Head back from the Proff

I emailed him asking if he was rounding up and he said:

"yes, because technically you are closer to 95 than 94. Plus, I am just nice!:) You did really well in class and earned an A. You should feel very proud of yourself."

Yeah me! Next month is 'Cultural Diversity' which is HIST 350. Another GE but the first 'upper division' class so hopefully it will be a bit more of a challenge. July is going to be a more advanced programming class so it's good that June will help me get into good study patterns etc.

Now I've got a week and a half to kill... any ideas?


If my professor rounds up I have an A, if she doesn't I have an A-. Either way it's a 1.5 credit class so I'm not stressed about it.

Cultural Diversity starts on June 4th. My Java project is due soon, but I'm having a real hard time motivating myself since the class turns out to not transfer for anything. I think I've learned everything from there I am going to.

Saturday, May 19, 2007


Haven't posted much because this month is just a lab and is rather simplistic. There are 190 available points, 140 for the labs and 50 (25 each) for the tests. I just got my labs back, full credit thank you very much! The tests won't be difficult as its' the same instructor and material as last month's biology class. I'll do those today or tomorrow.

Nice to have an easy month, next month is Critical Thinking, so while I"m not too concerned about the difficulty seeing it's still a GE course, it won't be the breeze that this one has been.

Nice ego boost though!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

and.... we're back

Back from my trip, I'll get the labs done for my bio lab by Wednesday at the latest. Then it's two tests to take and I'm done. June will be more difficult (I keep saying that) but May seems to be kind of a blow off.

My gpa is officially a 3.8 so far =)

Friday, May 4, 2007

And... it's an A

Got a 98% in Biology, go me.

The lab is already a good third done, like I've said before, GPA padding for the win!

Biology Labs

Started going over May's lab class, I have to examine a pine cone and a snail. Good think I'm hanging out at my grandparents place where I can find such things. I think I'm going to stay up here a little longer than I had originally planned and get a bunch of this stuff done. May looks like it's going to be kind of easy =)

My extra credit hasn't been graded yet but I'm not too stressed about it.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

And we're done

To get an A I needed 1.5 points of extra credit. I just did an essay worth 5 points, so even if I don't get full credit on it I'm good. May's class looks pretty simple, and is only worth 1.5 credits. The A then won't count as much but it's still something.

Yeah done!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Finishing up far far away

I'm at the best place in the world to study, my grandparents place, and I've only got one short paper to write. It's really peaceful up here, I think maybe if I get to a point in a class where I can't concentrate I may have to come back.

I would have brought a nephew or two with me but they get up sooooooo early in the morning, I just can't keep up. Maybe when they're a bit older and can fend for themselves for the first few (hours!) of the day, but right now they make me tired.

Worse than the dogs.

I'm going to head back down to Phoenix on Friday I think, hang out with the kids for the weekend before everyone comes into town. They're four tomorrow!

I have the book for next month, and some stuff my prof sent me early at my request, she's a great instructor. May is a 1.5 credit class so hopefully I can breeze through it, since I"m spending the first week plus with family.