Time to simplify
I decided that the Java class is a waste of my time since I have to take it over at NU anyway. I paid for it myself so I"m not worried about wasting others money, and after this weekend I'm just not in the mood to deal with this instructor's crap. I've learned absolutely nothing and I'm not going to waste time and energy on it anymore.
In case that was too cryptic my car was stolen on Friday night, 36 hours later no word from the police so I"m betting it's in TJ in parts. I really have other things to worry about right now than some egotistical instructor who gives us a final project covering things the book doesn't even cover, I'm just not in the mood.
It's way too late to drop the class but since it wouldn't transfer anyway I really don't care anymore. I did fill out the 'end of class survey' expressing my thoughts and feelings about the instructor so I feel I accomplished something.
I am going to hold onto the book as a reference, so that is something.